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Member Since 05 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 05 2014 20:43

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Double XP next weekend!

07 June 2013 - 15:28

I still stand by my original post.  Your actions and what you say are not the same. If you do not see this then it is not my fault and your game continues to decline.

In Topic: Double XP next weekend!

07 June 2013 - 15:19

Honestly HCS?

    Lately you have been pushing to keep current players motivated and to encourage new players to join the game and stay. YET with a simple action you have just lost a few more players.  You release the booster packs one day before the XP event notification. The automatic 10k stamina pushed many players over their max limit so they go ahead and push a quick hunt in. The next day a double event release notification?  You just disappointed many players and if you had only done the reverse you would have made so many players ecstatic.  Your actions are not what your words say for encouraging growth but just the opposite. Whoever thought of releasing booster pack before XP notice needs to take a marketing class.

In Topic: Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.2)

03 June 2013 - 12:37

It is not like a low level player is going to make lots of these potions  to start off with.  They barely will have backpack space to hold the one or  two  they do make.   If a low level player does start to make lots of potions then they upgraded their backpack space alot and the Cows have made profit from that most likely.

In Topic: Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

03 June 2013 - 06:21

I am just going to make a potion that will double my levels earned.  Honestly I think players should only get 5 responses to a guild forum subject.  It would really make players think before writing and having to wade through so much flotsam and jetsam.

In Topic: GvG and New Players.

30 May 2013 - 16:56

I will try to focus on the immediate topic and not the 'changing gvg system' as this is not the current topic here.  New players and having pages of defeats and repair costs seems to be the original topic.


  As I stated earlier just give level 25-50 or whatever cap you want to make' item durability protection' in which their items take no damage and therefor no repair costs.  This would go into effect until said player reaches a certain level, joins the pvp ladder system or hits another player in pvp/gvg.  Then the protection is dropped permanently.  This solves repair costs of new players.

  Pages of combat defeats over and over?  This seems a little exaggerated. A guild can only hit another guild once then there is a wait period before they can be initiated on again. Yes, a player can see one or two pages if  the attacking guild has multiple members hitting the one target, but most likely, the attacker goes after guilds with lots of targets to get the gvg over with quickly as it is two minutes for each hit on same target. So most likely they might have 5-10 defeat messages in their logs. This is not pages and pages....

    Now if multiple guilds are always hitting the same player and therefore the same guild, then the problem lies within that guild not the FS community.  That guild is either not equipping  or explaining to their members why  proper offline sets can make it troublesome to get victories over or the guild does not buff their members when they are initiated on.  The player should be guiding their frustration toward their guild founder on why they are not being buffed when they are attacked in gvg.

    The guild member does have the option of joining a guild that offers advice/buffs for their members.  The guild founder chose to make the guild and assumes the responsibilities there of. Once new players realize how unaffected they really are by a gvg hit they will calm down and maybe think how much fun it would be to do this on someone else and therefor increase GVG activity overall.   A better job at explaining gvg in the new player tutorial would help the newer players out more.

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