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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2022 01:05

#984386 GGT - Grand Graphics Tournament - ROUND ONE! <3 Deadline 6pm Monday A...

Posted by Blenny on 22 August 2017 - 05:50

#7 In my opinion was the best! It just reminds me of "Finding Nemo" and my FS name is actually based on the most underrated character of that film  :D


#4 Is next up and as much as I hate "Handegg" It's simple, nice and bright!


#1 Was my final choice honestly because I kinda like Tennis lol

#965512 Daily Events

Posted by Blenny on 07 July 2016 - 09:56

I think you need to change the concept. Remove the competition element from dailies. Just give the community individual tasks that give a reward to all that complete it. 

Otherwise you will see that the dailies will be dominated by medal hunters, large stam banks and EOC players and then you are missing the whole point of dailies, which in my opinion is to increase general activity and give more meaning/purpose/activity to this game.


Encourage and reward activity in general is far better than another ingame competition that will be dominated by a few.



Also instead of rewarding fsp, you could also reward loyalty tokens, just make sure more useful things/upgrades/potions can be bought with them. In  a way it makes more sense, as I think loyalty and dailies have a connection. It also prevents messing up the fsp flow in the game to much.

I actually agree with this player I feel the simpler the better don't overthink it. Just make the "daily activities" kind of like how those random 24 hour discounts occur except DON'T make it competitive (since it'll just cause more drama). Make it random like "get x amount of kills on x particular creature" then when someone completes it they get an x amount of reward tokens (maybe like a loyalty 2.0 that contains new potions). Of course that's just my two cents  :P

#954667 Rise of the Invader!

Posted by Blenny on 07 December 2015 - 21:52

I absolutely love this new update. I haven't had a challenge for a LONG time and since I love SE hunting this should be fun :) 

#951635 Competition Voting area :)

Posted by Blenny on 22 October 2015 - 05:34

I vote the very last image as your new guild logo just because it reminds me of that scene in Predator between Dillon and Dutch lol 

As far as your new avi I've always thought you should use an actual image of a Macbook for it but that's just me :P but if you're choosing from these options I would go with the first since it has a hippie vibe to it. 

#944393 PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

Posted by Blenny on 11 August 2015 - 05:37

I completely agree. The old BB is going to be a dusty place without anyone in it. Most will stay away from pvp hitting because certain players love to inflict max XP loss / risk to others. That bully mentality keeps many from trying / embracing pvp outside of a prestige hit.


The new BB was full of names to hit, could be profitable to take bounties with the Total Bounty system in place, and was fun for a lot of people (not all but MOST). To be somewhat critical, the BB system was a little light on XP loss from the sense you could hit a lot of people / farm gold and get posted every few days for 1-3 levels gone ... however it encouraged PVP. That was the point of the update, to get more people to pvp, right? Or to appease the same people that are already pvping? That is the REAL ISSUE going on here.

I loved this new BB system because no matter what time I logged in their were plenty of opponents to choose from. The gold or xp loss didn't bother me. I was taking bounties worth less than 2K a hit. Once the old system was started a few years ago I hated it and quit after I got my gold (I occasionally cleared buddies from time to time). Once this new system was introduced I was grabbing bounties left and right I mean their was so much to pick from (yes I'm aware it has recently died down a bit but still more bounties than the old one :)). Now that HCS has decided to revert back I'm sad and annoyed because it'll be the same old dead board as before. 

#944390 PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

Posted by Blenny on 11 August 2015 - 05:06

And for the people who were saying that the new BB was more fun, yeah right lol, let me explain it to you

OLD BB as a the one on board: you used to fight hard once you get on board trying to prevent yourself from getting knocked 5 levels down maybe get 10 stams at some point ? It had adrenaline lol and you didn't ever know how much you will lose, losing levels was fun back then!!

NEW BB as the one on board: there is nothing you can do about it, I was surprised how people got supper buffed and cloaked, like really ? You will lose the indicated levels now or the next week it doesn't matter really IMO. There was no fun at all about it, you just sit and watch yourself losing.

OLD BB bounty hunter: it was harder and more fun as you were sometimes "dancing" with your opponent, you were forced to complete the whole bounty as fast as you can before anyone else to get the reward also you risked being counter bountied.

NEW BB bounty hunter: you come at any time get a hit or two and get thier rewards without trying to complete it or spending anytime on it or being fast enough or starting it fast, no fun here !!

Seriously you should be last person to speak about the BB. You're not even on the top 250! The old system was DEAD one or two bounties were usually up, four at best and it was always the same people. How exactly is that "harder and more fun"? 

#901028 Update v2.52

Posted by Blenny on 15 November 2014 - 04:13



I wanted to take this time to thank you all for listening to the feedback and doing the right choice. I deeply appreciate it and can now continue to SE hunt. Keep up the nice work!

#900690 Game Update v2.51

Posted by Blenny on 14 November 2014 - 05:14

I hardly ever write anything on the forums because I tend to agree with most of the updates that HCS does but I'm highly disappointed with this new SE top rated section it makes me feel that all my years of hunting was for nothing. Ever since the death of the BB I dedicated to SE hunting earned my crystal earlier this year and was waiting to see how I ranked among my fellow SE hunters but this dream of mine has been shattered. Before anyone attacks me, I personally feel that there's a difference between having a medal and being on the top. 

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