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Member Since 26 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2016 00:22

Posts I've Made

In Topic: PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

10 August 2015 - 22:11

about the BB, it would be good if there is minimum amount before you can possibly be posted. 2k per 50 stam attack isn't really worth it. you can spend that much on creeps and get more gold.

In Topic: Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

04 August 2015 - 09:07

I like the new pvp league, i don't like the new bounty system.


29 July 2015 - 10:58

You should wait till quest blocked levels. They are Doable but takes so much time that i lost my interest in leveling.

In Topic: PvP Seasons Rewards. Thoughts and desires please.

28 July 2015 - 20:17

Bound items = play once (I got the reward why would I need it again)

Unbound = ability to sell or give to mates and keep entering.

Potions are different and comsumeable so bound or unbound you keep collecting those.


personally I am okay with either. I mean, its your prize you can do what you want with it. You can even delete it. 

In Topic: PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

18 June 2015 - 00:32


But no other part of the game is like this.


If I dont want to make potions, I just dont make potions.  If I dont want to hunt titans, I dont hunt titans.  Do you get it?


If you don't make any potions it doesn't affect me and how i play the game. If you don't titan it doesn't affect me and how i play the game. if you buy PvP protection it affects me and how i playthe game.


also pvp gives me prestige. I currently have enough prestige to use for the x2 event so i am not attacking anyone outside gold hits. after the event, i will be attacking players on my range to get enough pvp prestige for the next x2 event. do I hate players that i attack? no, i don't. do i utilized an aspect of the game that's present to further my enjoyment of the game? yes i do. want me to stop hitting anyone ever? then remove any benefits that i could get from PvPing.

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