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Bounty Hunters Pact

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#1 StangValle


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Posted 13 December 2008 - 19:13

Bounty Hunters Pact (BHP)

The BHP was formed by Bounty Hunters and Guilds who find the practice of buying/selling
one hit bounties less than honorable.

Players caught doing so will be kicked from our guilds. Players not in our guilds will be hit hard
if they are seen on the bounty board.

Guilds who harbor these people will be refused services such as buffs and we will not trade with them
through secure trade or the auction house if possible. They may also find themselves attacked and
treated harshly on the bounty board.

Not all BHP guilds will attack directly. Some guilds will only offer support such as buffs or clearing
bounties of those who are attacking targeted guilds.

Becoming a BHP guild does not affect other guild alliances or NAP's. Why would you want to be allies with
a guild that condones such practices anyways though?

Please post any questions here.

#2 Teuchter



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Posted 13 December 2008 - 19:21

Well of course ,I would have no problems standing by BHP guidelines , The selling and doing of one hit bounties is ,in my opinion despicable,, also I have a great many friends in OSBH and also a few guild members , We are right behind this organisation WeeRapll

#3 fs_sarge2155

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 19:21

I like it. I have been seeing alot of those one-hit bounties being sold. It does seem dishonorable for a "so called bounty hunter" to earn his or her medal via one-hit bounties they have bought.

I could agree and join a pact of this nature

#4 StangValle


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Posted 13 December 2008 - 19:36

A site should be made shortly to keep track of who not to trade with and which guilds are BHP guilds. Once that is done it shall be posted here.

#5 Gooner111



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Posted 13 December 2008 - 19:44

Players do that in order to achieve their medal quicker. Not something I have much interet in but I do have one query. How do you intend to catch all who do it?? Unless you have someone watching the bounty board all day and night then I dont see how you will notice.

#6 StangValle


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Posted 13 December 2008 - 19:47

We have people watching the bounty board constantly. We are hunters after all. :twisted:

#7 Thoran



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Posted 13 December 2008 - 19:54

A site should be made shortly to keep track of who not to trade with and which guilds are BHP guilds. Once that is done it shall be posted here.

I think the post would be removed since that would violate Forum rules, but I do seem to know of a couple of other Forums that list could be posted on... :wink:

.. I agree to this by the way.



I'm also known as @UnoWild

The Wicked Players

#8 StangValle


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Posted 13 December 2008 - 19:55

Ok then. The site will be forwarded to all guilds who agree to the Pact.

#9 fs_bluebaron

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 21:24

Consider The Dwarven Forge on board.

#10 fs_silvrdrag

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Posted 14 December 2008 - 05:16

consider The Shadow Warriors on board also.

#11 Slivac



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Posted 15 December 2008 - 07:29

While I do agree with this I think the hard part with be detecting exactly who is involoved in this on an individual basis. I myself have taken up a few on hit bounties that I happened to find on the BB but I paid no one for them. what to stop someone from thinking I am buying them when in fact I may not be? Let alone any other suspicious persons in doing the same kind of thing.

Im not exactly sure how to side here as well Aero. I do get you argument that the unethical aspect as interpreted from the hunters is skeptical and believeable then what else might be interpreted as unethical in the game? Will the levelers on the top of the lists soon say teh use of fsp to buy stam and gain levels to get the: top 10 monthly, top 100, and top player medals as unethical? Really I dont think they know where to draw the line on this one.

And if you dont think this could happen just look at how many of the top players complained about the 1% of level boost. They claimed it was abuse and got HCS to partially bend over at the knees to accomodate them. The top players felt threatened by the 1% of level and soon they will feel threatened by the +25 stam. Sound crazy?

But that may be unlikely as they would be kicking themselves in the teeth if they abolished the +25 stam. But is that unethical as well? Cant it also bee seen as buying/stealing levels?

I really cant wait to see what else is deemed unethical by a made up organization, (OSBH) and whichever else group could be formed from this. Sorry to sound crass but Im a bit steamed now with a few other things.

#12 Matetuer



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Posted 16 December 2008 - 00:39

I'm in Stang

#13 budro


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Posted 16 December 2008 - 05:33

I agree with stang, people like that need to pay :evil:

#14 fs_generica

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Posted 16 December 2008 - 15:32

WiccaD supports this 100%

#15 rikk1



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Posted 16 December 2008 - 21:18

I agree wholeheartedly.

#16 fs_mags

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 02:57

i am not a bounty hunter but from what i understand, players are making arrangements to place 1 kill bounties to increase their bounty hunter ranks? is this correct? hmmmm... i can understand real bounty hunters who complete bounties seeing this practice as unjust but it really is a rock and hard place. since the option to place a 1 kill bounty is there, no rule is being broken. i also see the parallel with the point made regarding "unfairness" and the use of character upgrades to improve a character. i am not saying this shouldn't happen and that it isn't great to watch a player propel to the top but it really is one half dozen of one, six of another.

i don't keep up with pvp/bounty threads so this may be a hot topic within them... but on first glance, this group seems to want to force their will or code of conduct on others. the real problem is with the ability to place one-hit bounties, not with the people who do so.

honorable? perhaps not. but brut force tactics to break the practice when the ability to place such bounties is permitted doesn't seem very honorable either. confront the source of the problem rather than use the strong arm method. the source isn't the player who placed or cleared the bounty.

i suppose i am just trying to see more of a "reason" behind this group other than a dislike of the tactics used by some players. i can understand the frustation of people gaining bounty kill points for "small" bounties, but the real flaw/fault lies with the system of the BB.

shall be the first to say that there may be huge chucks of the concept that i'm missing and am not trying to attack the overall idea, but wondering if the real culprit is the system. in principle, i understand why this practice is disliked but is it ethically wrong within the current confines of the game?

when one thinks about it, there are tons of ways to "exploit" (for lack of a better word) certain aspects of the game. i am just not sure that the vigilante approach is the best way to halt certain actions. if the end goal is to stop the sale of 1 kill bounties, then why not petition to end that rather than judge/penalize those who use the method? or rescale the way in which bounty kill points are allocated meaning that a 10 kill bounty completion would offer a greater number of points? or tack on a way to reward players with more points who 100-stam hit and complete the bounty? but like i said, i am not a bounty hunter so at the end of the day, i am only presenting an alternative point of view to the problem.

#17 avvakum



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Posted 18 December 2008 - 09:46

i am not a bounty hunter but from what i understand, players are making arrangements to place 1 kill bounties to increase their bounty hunter ranks? is this correct? hmmmm... i can understand real bounty hunters who complete bounties seeing this practice as unjust but it really is a rock and hard place. since the option to place a 1 kill bounty is there, no rule is being broken. i also see the parallel with the point made regarding "unfairness" and the use of character upgrades to improve a character. i am not saying this shouldn't happen and that it isn't great to watch a player propel to the top but it really is one half dozen of one, six of another.

i don't keep up with pvp/bounty threads so this may be a hot topic within them... but on first glance, this group seems to want to force their will or code of conduct on others. the real problem is with the ability to place one-hit bounties, not with the people who do so.

honorable? perhaps not. but brut force tactics to break the practice when the ability to place such bounties is permitted doesn't seem very honorable either. confront the source of the problem rather than use the strong arm method. the source isn't the player who placed or cleared the bounty.

i suppose i am just trying to see more of a "reason" behind this group other than a dislike of the tactics used by some players. i can understand the frustation of people gaining bounty kill points for "small" bounties, but the real flaw/fault lies with the system of the BB.

shall be the first to say that there may be huge chucks of the concept that i'm missing and am not trying to attack the overall idea, but wondering if the real culprit is the system. in principle, i understand why this practice is disliked but is it ethically wrong within the current confines of the game?

when one thinks about it, there are tons of ways to "exploit" (for lack of a better word) certain aspects of the game. i am just not sure that the vigilante approach is the best way to halt certain actions. if the end goal is to stop the sale of 1 kill bounties, then why not petition to end that rather than judge/penalize those who use the method? or rescale the way in which bounty kill points are allocated meaning that a 10 kill bounty completion would offer a greater number of points? or tack on a way to reward players with more points who 100-stam hit and complete the bounty? but like i said, i am not a bounty hunter so at the end of the day, i am only presenting an alternative point of view to the problem.

Mags, HSC don't have time to make all the parts of the game perfect, so it's great that a group of players can organize themselves and force their will or code of conduct on others. Actually, that's what players should do if they want to break some practices. Stealing buffs is also not against the rules, but was it someone from TEW who hired mercs to punish buff thieves and warned all others == forced code of conduct on others? Was it a vigilante approach? Anyway, nothing restricts 1 kill bounties buyers or other players that don't like this code of conduct to form their alliance and declare a war on this one... ;)

#18 acidic



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Posted 18 December 2008 - 20:37

Well, then there are guys like "Dragone27". They just need to be spanked.

#19 fs_bolverk93

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Posted 19 December 2008 - 03:18

And Peace Weeps agrees to this Pact.

#20 StangValle


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Posted 20 December 2008 - 07:37

Just wanted to let people know a site is almost ready. Those who have contacted me or posted here will be contacted by me.
Thank you for your patience.

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