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Member Since 25 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active May 18 2023 20:00

Topics I've Started

1440/1600p/4k support?

30 November 2014 - 03:21

Hey guys! Eldevin is awesome! I have a 1440p monitor and it's a shame that the game can only render up to 1080p. Sure, I can fullscreen it, but then it becomes a little distorted; it works *much* better in windowed mode in 1080p.


I would to see Eldevin support over 1080p resolution. Perhaps even 4k?  :)

Custom hotkeys should be reflected in hotkey bar

25 November 2014 - 19:04

Hey everyone! Really enjoying Eldevin thus far with about 20 hours in. One simple suggestion I have is that the hotkey bar in-game should reflect what you have set your hotkey settings.


For example, I have my 1st hotkey slot set to 'Q' yet, in-game, it still says '1'. The hotkeys clearly work, but sometimes I forget what I have bound to slot 6 on the hotkey bar. 


I suggest that instead of having 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc. on the hotkey bar, that they're updated to reflect what you have bound to those slots. So, in my case, it would display Q, 3, E, R, etc. 


Thanks for reading!

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