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Member Since 22 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2018 20:06

Topics I've Started

Global chat and blocking

06 December 2017 - 20:33

I'm not sure if it happens everywhere but we are having a problem with global spammers.

Is there anyway of being able to change that if you block someone you cannot see what they write in global?

Or can you introduce like a speaker item you can purchase in store that every time you want to talk in global it costs you one of those items.

Less and less of the real players use global on Delta 2, it's what most class as trash talk chat.

Contesting times

08 November 2017 - 22:31

Is there a glitch or have you adjusted the contesting times.

It used to be around 4hrs9mins left a square woukd turn blue but it no longer does.

Also outposts are also contesting the land slower.

New server events

08 November 2017 - 18:53

Seeing as 5 servers merged into 1 wouldn't that of been a good time to look at the daily event prizes and amount of spots.

Batting or putting in a huge amount of effort against hundreds of people for 5k or top ten of 2k isn't much reward.

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