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Member Since 23 May 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2013 05:29

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Rubber Banding and Crossing Zones

08 December 2013 - 13:36

Rubber banding has cost me several deaths. It would be good if the developers could fix the problem.


In trying to cross into another territory, the game fails to load. The only solution is to reload the entire game, since that is the only way to reload that scene. I spend much of the playing time just reloading the thing and it is getting quite tiresome.


Yes, Java shows up every time I have to reload the page. So I always clear its cache. 


Is it possible to have the developers fix these problems?


I did play in beta and quit playing due to the same issues. Obviously there is some kind of glitch in the transferring from one area to the next.

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