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Fallensword's Future

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#1 Anonemesis



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 14:10


today I logged on sigmastorm to try it out and noticed only 3 people were on...my question is how low of a player base does a game need to be before hunted cow shuts the game down, or will hunted cow keep the game up regardless how dead a game is? it's no secret the playerbase for fallensword is lowering I have a friend who introduced me to this game who played back in 2008 back in the games prime with thousands were playing the game now we'd be lucky to even get 800 on the weekend a couple things I see that need to be changed to keep this game alive and bring in a fresh population is as followed

1. The veteran players/High level players have to stop buying low level items just to flip for a profit and bring up the price at least items under level 300, this makes it harder for new players to afford nice things and will ultimately stop their progression in the game, we want the new players to rise, no one is entitled to luxury items, but they should still be affordable at lower levels, let the player enjoy the game up until at least 200, it looks like 90% of the active playerbase is above 400 and thats not good because whats it matter if your on top? if theres no population to carry on this game then this game will come to standstill, we also need people to start selling buffs at reasonable prices...1 fsp for a 175 buff is just ridiculous and I know it's personal preference so I wouldn't want to force anyone to change that, but I'd just ask if a person at level 1-100 asks for some buffs you give them a good deal

2. The guild registarr costs too much, over 50k a day, for top guilds this is chump change but for smaller guilds that have to share items it's just too much this makes it 10x's harder for a guild to flourish on top of the already difficult obstacles as we can't all be on at the same time to send eachother items, we need to encourage guild growth right now, no one wants to wait for someone to get online to hunt so often players will join a top guild leaving smaller guilds small or empty, I shouldn't be punished because I have a bunch of low level players, these low players will be the future of fallensword I'm raising them up in my guild but I can't afford over 50k daily and the low levelers don't make enough to put a dent

3. Guides
The guides are outdated and it seems no one has bothered to make a easily searchable guide the average player doesn't know how to measure up stats or what equipments around the corner or whats even the best, we need to provide a guide that isn't leaving the casual player frustrated with what to do next

We need to make changes even if its not these ones in particular something needs to change and people have to as well :roll: I love the game but if I was just some passerbyer who wasn't interested in this game just trying it out with all the rude and selfish people in this game I would quit day 1 like so many have

Hate It Or Love It The Underdogs On Top. 

#2 RebornJedi



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 14:45

1.. I BUFF FOR FREE!!!...try to keep a list of cheap/free buffers.

2.. If 50k is too much a day than it's time to make some coin on the side to help your guild enjoy this guild structure. have one day a week where you make a couple potions to help you pay for the next weeks structure upkeep. even doing some free reward offers can help out. clicking the Watch Videos in the top right corner is your best and safest bet to earning those FS Shards

3.. Researching or just browsing the Wiki or the Ultimate Fallen Sword Guide(HCS's Official Guide) can help you plan out your future levels..Guides that already lay out the information for you can be good but relying on those guides to hold your hand the whole time isn't a smart way to play the game. Venturing out on your own and learning the game first hand can be the best experience. It's easy to do a little bit of simple math (learning how to find percentages will take you far in this game) to find out what is needed for your upcoming levels.

Also remember there IS a Newbie Help Forum where you can ask any question you want, plus there are some guides within..

i created a little site that has the Wiki and Official Guide broken down in links..not ultimately but a lot of the main links..but remember the Wiki is player updated so not everything is going to be there. even the official guide takes some time to update: Fallen Sword Guide Links

(i really need to update those titans LOL :oops: )


#3 Removed94



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 15:16

1. The game existed before all the high level buffs, you don't need the best gear/buffs to succeed. There are many players that buff free or for very low prices...at anytime you can find all essential hunting buffs for 1 fsp total.

2. If 50k is too much, then you are not prepared to run a guild or you should join a guild capable of helping you out.

3. Guides are what kill the game, taking all the thought away from people and preventing them from actually learning about game mechanics.

#4 T1GER69



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 16:54

1. The game existed before all the high level buffs, you don't need the best gear/buffs to succeed. There are many players that buff free or for very low prices...at anytime you can find all essential hunting buffs for 1 fsp total.

2. If 50k is too much, then you are not prepared to run a guild or you should join a guild capable of helping you out.

3. Guides are what kill the game, taking all the thought away from people and preventing them from actually learning about game mechanics.

I do not think this to be true a lot of people have worked hard to bring the guide for the benefit of the game and community ( my opinion) and i myself use it to help me due to having Alzheimer's but i want to keep going as long as i can even if it means the help of others which i am total grateful :cry:

#5 michael65



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 19:19


today I logged on sigmastorm to try it out and noticed only 3 people were on...my question is how low of a player base does a game need to be before hunted cow shuts the game down, or will hunted cow keep the game up regardless how dead a game is?

There have been concerns about sigmastorm for a long time. Unlike previous times, an army of sigmastorm fans are not giving reasons why sigmastorm is viable. Previous posters of "another dead cow" game were locked and ended discussion.

it's no secret the playerbase for fallensword is lowering I have a friend who introduced me to this game who played back in 2008 back in the games prime with thousands were playing the game now we'd be lucky to even get 800 on the weekend

Besides massive competition in free online games, FS players were bothered with security concerns. To alleviate concerns, the cows instituted security measures that seemed to confound the players (including me). There seems to have been a huge downturn since then.

a couple things I see that need to be changed to keep this game alive and bring in a fresh population is as followed

1. The veteran players/High level players have to stop buying low level items just to flip for a profit and bring up the price at least items under level 300, this makes it harder for new players to afford nice things and will ultimately stop their progression in the game,

[some editing has occurred, please note] This "flipping" is part of the game. Also, some high level guildmate might be helping a lower level guildmate. As to buffing, buffing cost stamina which is important in hunting and PvPing.

2. The guild registarr costs too much, over 50k a day, for top guilds this is chump change but for smaller guilds that have to share items it's just too much this makes it 10x's harder for a guild to flourish on top of the already difficult obstacles ...

You may have a point here, though you may not like my solution. Running these databases cost money, the cows need to recoup cost with higher price for starting a guild (fsp) and setting up registar (fsp through guild points). FS needs a goldsink to remove gold from game (keeps game economy manageable). If guild registar is not acting as a goldsink, it becomes a cost without game benefit to the cows. Therefore, real money is needed to compensate.

3. Guides
The guides are outdated and it seems no one has bothered to make a easily searchable guide the average player doesn't know how to measure up stats or what equipments around the corner or whats even the best, we need to provide a guide that isn't leaving the casual player frustrated with what to do next

Search FS on Google and one finds many suitable guides. Learning to use the FS Wiki is important also.

We need to make changes even if its not these ones in particular something needs to change and people have to as well :roll: I love the game but if I was just some passerbyer who wasn't interested in this game just trying it out with all the rude and selfish people in this game I would quit day 1 like so many have

Another fine point, but FS is an MMORPG. A Massive Multiplayer Online RPG is going to have all sorts of people. Dealing with jerks online is part of the new social media. BTW, have you heard of Eldevin?

#6 gomezkilla



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 20:17

I do not see any of this happening EVER.

1. Why would a player not be able to buy and sell items at their leisure? I do it and that is how I enjoy the game while I wait for my stamina to rebuild. Plus, buffs are not free. They come from the high level players. If you think that the prices of 1 FSP per buff is ridiculous, then make a high level friend that would buff you for free! Don't complain on here because it won't be changed!!

2. The guild registrar offers numerous advantages to a guild and the price just wont change since we already have a gold surplus in the game. If it ever does change, it will go up for that exact reason - too much gold.

3. There are two guides in the game that are constantly worked on. You are level 112, the guides for whatever you can do at your level should be very thorough and help with whatever you want to do. The new stuff will get added in when it gets added in. There is this saying "Patience is a virtue."

#7 michael65



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 00:05

As for guides and FS friendship, what about the follwing:

In Newbie:


i found some newbie guides:




Feeling the love?!!!!

[End Edit]

In General (starting at 300 - there used to be a guide in newbie ending around level 180) :
Using posts, players came together to producing the thread:
the thread was use to create the FS Wiki entry

i know at top of threads, but point has to be made that these jerks can be a fun-loving bunch helping with one hand while Thieving with the other hand.

#8 IzzyDead



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 16:29

Besides massive competition in free online games, FS players were bothered with security concerns. To alleviate concerns, the cows instituted security measures that seemed to confound the players (including me). There seems to have been a huge downturn since then.

I have been around for about 2 weeks after the game started; what security measures are you referring to?

....................... BTW, have you heard of Eldevin?

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#9 Tazarian



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Posted 13 March 2013 - 14:32

Okay, I'm not too sure how to reply to this topic. So let's clear a few things up.

As a low level player, you don't need those 1 FSP high level buffs to get threw the game (I only started buying CA/SSI/DD past L200). Mostly, stack your items to get multiple sets working together to get extra stat bonuses. Heck, even at my level I only buy a few buffs to help me out (4 to 5 FSP max for 4 to 5 buffs I need, that's all).

People buying gear and then selling it to make some coin or dots? Unheard of! LOL That's just the way the game is and, you can either prowel the AH looking for deals, swoop in get them then turn a bit of coin into your pocket or....hunt the low level critters down yourself. SE hunting at low levels can be good (potion of the slayer is a SE potion buff that could help you). Farming resources or making potions can help you turn the AH into your best friend.

Structures too pricey and, hurts low level guilds? You should know that running your own guild is costly (even at the higher levels). That is just basic game mechanics and, I can only see HCS raising gold costs for this kind of stuff, not lowering.

Here's another idea for you. Start GVGing with some mates in your guild to earn RP. Find some guilds with targets you both can beat (it does take some leg work) and, go from their. You can save your RP up to get an RP item to sell in the AH, keep the RP til you have enough to buy a few items to make an epic or, use some RP to buy RP buff packs for 12 hours to help level (even one that gives TH/Merch at a high level to make you more gold).

I have been playing FS now for 4 years (and counting), the game is improving cause we now hold steady at 600 to 880 players on at any given peek time (a big improvement from 400 to 550 at one time). Yes, it was over 2K players in it's prime but, FS will come back, just give it time.

#10 Spitfire666123



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Posted 13 March 2013 - 15:41

1. The game existed before all the high level buffs, you don't need the best gear/buffs to succeed. There are many players that buff free or for very low prices...at anytime you can find all essential hunting buffs for 1 fsp total.

2. If 50k is too much, then you are not prepared to run a guild or you should join a guild capable of helping you out.

3. Guides are what kill the game, taking all the thought away from people and preventing them from actually learning about game mechanics.

I do not think this to be true a lot of people have worked hard to bring the guide for the benefit of the game and community ( my opinion) and i myself use it to help me due to having Alzheimer's but i want to keep going as long as i can even if it means the help of others which i am total grateful :cry:

The majority of the FS community dont know how stats work, and these guides arent helping. These guides tell players EXACTLY what to wear, removing any real strategy from the game.

I personally dont use guides. I succeed or fail by my own efforts ;)

#11 Woot



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 08:37

It's not like there is a need for strategy anymore.. :?

#12 avvakum



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 17:11

It's not like there is a need for strategy anymore.. :?

War essential. Games absolutely cannot do without passions, vices, and acts of malice.

#13 Removed4427



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 18:44

War essential...

interesting....a combination of arena, GvG, and PvP......

An arena, maybe using a guilds' actual level to match with other guilds in a similar range/level

have it last for some number of hours

let the "war" be scheduled some days in advance, letting each guild prepare ... no surprise-hitting-people-while-they're-asleep like in GvG conflicts

no bounties

:arrow: I'm imagining 2 willing (opted-in) guilds of comparable level, scheduling a "war" for a Saturday 19:00 to 23:00 server time - slugging it out for those 4 hours with no bounties allowed

#14 shindrak



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 18:53

Don't dream for new features to be added anytime this year... there's many things on "stuff to do list" still not done
Arena tokens viewtopic.php?f=1&t=107637 from 6+ months ago.
Composing viewtopic.php?f=1&t=107800 from 5+ months ago

and many other stuff... so disappointed number of online player's dropped down again

#15 IzzyDead



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 19:52

................acts of malice.


I like the way you think!
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#16 Dradin


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 23:01

I have seen a lot of reply's to this posting, and it still is something to see that not one of you replied with a means to bring more/ or extend life to Fallen Sword. At the prime of this game there were always a few thousand players online, this offered more of everything. Items in the auction, more guilds, more friendships, you name it. And there are still many truly great players out there of all levels, who help others with questions, gear, buffs, just to name a few. We as the FS Members need to look at what we can do to revive the game.

I for one enjoy this game, not the new Cow game that is being developed. If we form ideas on how we feel the game can be made better to either gain more players ( be it older players returning or new ones) we will all take ownership of it. Fallen Sword can regain its player base if things progress to make it a game that we refer to others, and that the Cows listen to ideas that make sense to the game, not certain players. ( GVG over PVP, or Hunters over Farmer, but fair for all).

The game was designed on a gold base of 50,000 gold for 1 point. On that principle the whole game was established. It is normal now to see 180,000 gold for 1 point. But the game principles are still the same as when they made the game. All of the guild and player upgrades are the same. So in reality the game cost 3 to 4 times more for new players to better their characters, and the same to build and develop new or old guilds.

I for one would like to see more from the game, simple stuff that might make a player achieve things, more random chest through out the world, how hard is it to have a few points, or a random item in a chest for players to discover. I hate looking at old guilds with nothing going on, thousands of in-active players.

I would like to see a size limit on active players to do GVG, I feel GVG is a fun aspect of the game, but when you have small (5 to 7 player) guilds who feed on low level players over and over, this chases players away. If they could only hit Guilds the same size plus say 3 more ( ie a 5 member guild could strike a guild of 8 or less members) this would help new players or smaller guilds.

Just food for thought, but it is good to discuss idea's. I know this will draw some critics, but i am thick skinned and Hard of hearing so let it fall were it may.

#17 michael65



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Posted 17 March 2013 - 01:25

Besides massive competition in free online games, FS players were bothered with security concerns. To alleviate concerns, the cows instituted security measures that seemed to confound the players (including me). There seems to have been a huge downturn since then.

I have been around for about 2 weeks after the game started; what security measures are you referring to?

Then you lucked out. i was in favor of some measure be taken, but then the disaster happened. Best not to speak of it.

....................... BTW, have you heard of Eldevin?


Cool, it gives link to the Eldevin page and says in march 18 beta testers will be requested.

Does anyone knows how battledungeon (sp?) is going?

(missed prvious post)
My Advice: All things (at least of an earthly nature) come to an end, otherwise we all would be playing Pong. But don't stop complaining (sic) or nothing will get better.

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