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Member Since 30 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2022 12:39

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In Topic: Legacy- Needs balanced or shut down

20 April 2022 - 12:39

DF do have alot of active people, but as a gang we make it inviting for people to be part of the gang, those pictures are during a massive coordinated WL event, during our off hours we are out numbered.

DF is a good gang and very active, no denying this.

But the other leadership have failed massively on rallying people and making the right choices to put their gangs in the best position possible.

For example,

Had OC went to 1,12 I think it is, and blocked the path to jammer, they could have controlled the jammer most of the map and had a large chunk of land NW and focused on containing DF and getting the ERS.

If BoD went to where OC is now, they could of controlled the NE and held the hospital more often then not and focused on grabbing land through the middle of the map.

TC is in a good position to push for ERS, instead they prioritize securing around HQ and hospital, which gets them far less points and gives DF alot more from holding onto the objective.

Another big blunder is the fact that the other gangs didn't prioritize taking out the power plants DF built, having 2 power plants allows DF to use the ERS in the evening which allows them to make massive pushes and control the WL.

Had the other gang leadership done some of these things, this map could of had a very different outcome.

Instead they all made the worst choices and handed DF the map with minimal effort.

Also, instead of considering the choices made and how it has lead to this situation, there is alot of whining and complaining coming from certain individuals on the game, no one wants to participate and help a gang when the leaders are crying on sidechat, this isn't how you rally people and get people interested.

If you check the amount of people that log in from each gang, I suspect the numbers between OC and DF will be very similar, this being said its important for a gang as a whole to give players a reason to join in and participate.

In conclusion, DF is a very powerful gang, but through out the history of Legacy, all gangs have come into power and fallen from power at some point, in my opinion, the other gangs currently have the ability to bring DF down, but this won't be achieved by complaining and whining, that I am sure of.

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