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Member Since 08 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 27 2014 16:33

#859230 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by markaaron on 01 April 2014 - 18:32

I would love to see some new RP rewards ( better buff packs and woudl love to see a guild bank booster for RP)

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#859225 New PvP Ladder Rewards + Incentive to Play the ladder

Posted by markaaron on 01 April 2014 - 18:20

A simple idea here to add some new "useful" Rewards to the pvp ladder and maybe bring some more players into the pvp ladder. Instead of just adding more items to make why not add some bound potions for each play style? (PvP, leveling, titan hunting, farming) These potions would have to be bound as to not instantly flood the market with them and thus making them worthless and not encouraging players to play and earn them.  


These potions could have a building system similar to the composing, in that the more tokens you use in them the stronger they become (capped at a reasonable level of coarse) and also used to increase duration( also capped).  The potions would need to be strong enough to make a leveling player want to use there stamina to earn them. I feel that AL level 300 would be a fair buff level for example. 



This is just a suggestion and would love feedback and other ideas from everyone here.

#854958 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by markaaron on 13 March 2014 - 13:43

hmm..."Quartly GVG Compitetions" ...... nice. reset the gvg rankings? im sry i disagree. guilds painstakingly faught to get there they should stay there. adding another aspect to GVG system like the pvp ladder, etc... . is probily a much needed and long awaited aspect. as for the break down of how it works and the rewards that another topic for dession and debate/ braing storming. RP.... Gear.... potions.... components.... the list of options are huge its a matter of player demand/needs or guild demand/needs.

New Medals love them still waiting to see "Most Wanted" medal for being poste on the BB xxxx amount of times :lol: . a animated medal for winning the Quartly compitions on guild page would be nice - guild team work accomplishment medals. a player can be declrated only so much...... start declarating the guild for its position in FS.

p.s. umm dev's .......where is the bloody spell check on this thing......... :(

I really like the idea rye has proposed. It would encourage guilds to actively participate in gvg and would Also allow newer guilds a chance to get into it with our having guilds with really high rating just sitting there.

Also a new idea for rp use aside from more potions ( which I love the idea of) I think it would be good to implement a guild bank gold boost for x amount of rp. This would help the guilds with less members to be able to afford their structures and upgrade them with out killing the guild bank each time they wish to upgrade.

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