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Member Since 12 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2017 07:23

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In Topic: ... a fighting chance?

16 November 2016 - 18:34

These kind of suggestions continue to amaze and amuse me. The game mechanics revolve around buffs and you want to change that? I vote NO! There are so many buffs available now that specifically help the defender and some are nearly "win button" buffs. When you consider how game changing fumble, high guard, golden shield, dispel curse, invert, fist fight, smite, and sealed are to a defenders role, then perhaps you would understand that defending against attacks are easy! I know some of those buffs are useful for attacking as well but you can't rely on them to activate to win. Sounds to me like you want to win without actually defending in the game style of pvp. This doesn't even consider the fact that any player can buy pvp protection or lock their XP at anytime for a relatively cheap fee.


It appears you have put a lot of time and thought process into your suggestion and I commend that. However, I completely disagree with any of the changes you've suggested.


Buffing up doesn't work on random attacks, as attacker can decide when to attack. Keeping buffs in such level that it will dis-encourages all attacks would take like 60 or 70% of daily stamina gain, and it would also require putting alarm every 2h to rebuff myself. So, not an valid option. Maybe you just like hitting other so much that you don't want to give them any chance, for example revenge? xp lock and pvp protection don't help against random attacks, nor gold theft. 


Like said multiple times in this topic, I don't want win button (pvp'rs already have that), but to have fighting chance against attacker. Once BB did the trick, but not any more.

In Topic: ... a fighting chance?

16 November 2016 - 18:24

The revenge hit is silly. But okay, let's talk about it. 


A)  Is the revenge hit going to be tied to how much stam the original hitter used? If I hit someone with a 10 stam for a daily, is it fair for them to get a 100 stam revenge hit without any consequences?  The levelers would think so. 


B)  Is the revenge hit going to take double the xp like the bounty would? Or again, is it a free hit for a player without consequence?  If I face consequences for hitting you,  you should face the same risk.  But that wouldn't be fair, would it?


C)  Is the revenge hit a guaranteed win? Or would the player have to buff up, check out the persons gear, and make an effort to win? Because guess what, you ALREADY have the ability to hit back. Or is this just another way to have hcs do the work for players because some are afraid to get slapped in a computer game?



PvP requires risk.  PvP requires participation. These suggestions are just ways to figure out how to make hcs do the job for you.  You want revenge? Step up and take it without waiting for someone to keep you safe. There is NO safety in pvp, for either side. 


a) I think it should be tied to stam used on attack, else it wouldn't be fair. 


B) consequence is that you get hit back, I think double xp loss would be bad. but maybe you should loose gained prestige if player doing revenge wins?


c) no, no win button there. on revenge player should buff up, check gear and make effort. or is player is too lazy to do that, put bounty. Hitting back on certain players / guilds has been already discussed on this thread.


I think revenge could make PvP more for fair to levelers, and actually also for PvP'rs as they would loose 5 in BB? 

In Topic: ... a fighting chance?

16 November 2016 - 17:59

Doom's revenge idea is actually good, and like most have said, revenge should disallow placing bounty on attacker and revenger. I think I even might hit back just to prove level only player can do PvP. Like Melissa said: 



If you  want levellers to embrace pvp LETS MAKE IT FAIR .


On mzz's wish list ... #9 seems fair to me. And I am against #10, I rather haver bacon and beer :)


... seems like I some how managed to make double post, BG can remove the previous one as it had quote messed up.

In Topic: ... a fighting chance?

16 November 2016 - 17:54

Doom's revenge idea is actually good, and like most have said, revenge should disallow placing bounty on attacker and revenger. I think I even might hit back just to prove level only player can do PvP. Like Melissa said: 



If you  want levellers to embrace pvp LETS MAKE IT FAIR .


On mzz's wish list ... #9 seems fair to me. And I am against #10, I rather haver bacon and beer :) 

In Topic: ... a fighting chance?

16 November 2016 - 10:53

After reading rest of the posts.... I can only say: whoa, nicely hijacked and trolled post. No one even tried to make suggestion to improve my original suggestion. And only PvP'rs did their best to smash my suggestion. Nicely done. I could point out multiple flaws on counter argument, but that would make me feel like don Quixete. 


So, PvP is broken, and PvP'rs don't even wanna fix it way that would give target any chance to defend oneself. There were multiple suggestions on PvP protection, XP lock, smashing back, free retaliation (that could also work), but no single answer how to actually defend oneself, when PvP can decide when, buffage and gear while possible targets only chances are keep buffed up (costs thousands of stamina daily), use PvP protection (which actually doesn't protect anything but xp and that attacker does not gain prestige), still gold can be stolen or just hit to annoy / harass target, use xp lock which is basically milder version of PvP protection. 


Only real solution was mzz's suggestion to cut down buffs on pvp, but that list would be quite drastic, as it would require new balancing on buffs. And like mzz said, PvP'rs don't want that.

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