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Member Since 09 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2014 15:36

Topics I've Started

A few suggestions that i wouldnt mind

22 November 2013 - 00:07

Alright so ive been doing some thinking about these and thought they would be pretty cool to have first off lets start with Group Teleport Tab,Swimming/Diving,Mountaineering,Pvp zone loot,Quest Birth of Athena,Player Owned Shop's.



(Group Teleport Tab)


If he/or she is level 15 or lower he/or she can teleport to there group/or leader to prevent people from wandering around trying to find there group/group leader throughout Eldevin.


Also there should be a cooldown timer like every 10-15 minutes so this doesnt get abused by level 15 he/she should be able to navigate through Eldevin without any trouble's.I know for a fact that this would be beneficial for players and in other word's Noob's that are new to the game and will be able to use this until comfortable also would help with mentoring new players incase they get lost or stranded by some deadly creatures.


Should make this disabled in Open world Pvp Zones to counteract the abuse that would be done.


(Realistic Feeling's while playing) Swimming/Diving/Mountaineering


I and im sure so many other Eldevin players would like to be able to walk through water as long as its shallow enough/and or swim if need be.Could make this a a new skill [Swimming/Diving].Also you should be able to climb rock's/mountain's to travel to other unexplored area's also could be a new skill could be called [Mountaineering]


(Pvp-zone Loot)


He/or she should be rewarded for his/or her actions in pvp zone area's.he/or she should be warned beforhand when there going to loose items upon death or not.


(Quest-Birth Of Athena)


About the quest birth of Athena its about a myth that happened thousands of years ago i think that this would turn out to be a really cool quest and the reward can be numbers of things such as

Thunderbolt of the God's,Thunderbolt of the Sky it can be called so many things to make it unique.Or another reward could be  Zeus's flying Horse Pegasus you should have to take care of Pegasus as a pet and you could ride him this could be 1 of the first mounts ingame idk i just thought this is a very unique suggestion and thought id add it in there.

Athena's Birth
Zeus came to lust after Metis, and chased her in his direct way. Metis tried to escape, going so far as to change her form many times. Turning into various creatures such as hawks, fish, and serpents. However, Zeus was both determined and equally proficient at changing form. He continued his pursuit until she relented.
An Oracle of Gaea then prophesied that Metis first child would be a girl but, her second child would be a boy that would overthrow Zeus as had happened to his father and grandfather. Zeus took this warning to heart. When he next saw Metis he flattered her and put her at her ease. Then with Metis off guard Zeus suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed her. This was the end of Metis but, possibly the beginning of Zeus's wisdom.
After a time Zeus developed the mother of all headaches. He howled so loudly it could be heard throughout the earth. The other gods came to see what the problem was. Hermes realized what needed to be done and directed Hephaestus to take a wedge and split open Zeus's skull. Out of the skull sprang Athena, full grown and in a full set of armour. Due to her manor of birth she has dominion over all things of the intellect.
(Player Owned Shop's)
Any player can open up a Player owned shop if she/or he desire's which would work beneficialy for all players he/or she can set price's for there equipment crafting resource's or anything they wish to sell thats tradeable how it would work is a player has a set amount on the price of there item/or items and when a player comes to open that players shop it will show the quanity they have in stock of a certain item and the price also maybe you could tweak it a little so that say "Sally has 100 ore deposits"and Fred wishes to buy out all the ore deposit's the more you buy the more discount you get on that item kind of like wholesale im sure people would like to get rid of there items quick and this would be beneificial for all players

[Declined / Implemented] Reserved Username's/delete option?

19 August 2013 - 17:55

Hey i was curious about Mongo's thread say the username's we have now after closed beta/open beta are reserved for ingame use come upon release.


Will they be reserved if we purchase a founders pack come release?Or are they already reserved for release.Also a delete option would be very beneficial for unused character's,or character username's taken up because someone couldnt delete there unused character or character's.


How would the delete option be beneficial?

Well as of now there is no delete option and if you havnt purchased a founders pack youll only get 3 usuable character slots and 1 less character could make the difference in anyones gameplay.Say you have a username taken up and dont use you probally wish you could delete it and create a new one.There's really not much to say other then the outcome of the game would be very beneficial and he/she will be given the option to delete their character whenever except for lets say they get banned then their account should be permanetly taken so the interface can keep track of banned user's and what not.But lets say after 3 months pass by we could then say take their username and readd it to the available database.






14 August 2013 - 23:28

Attached File  flailicreatedgoddess.png   13.91KB   72 downloads
Level-5 [Type Flail]
[Basic Flail]
Require's 8 iron bars and 4 coal and,any leather/hide giving it different speeds.
Attached File  goddesscreatedthis.png   14.97KB   62 downloads
Level-15[Type Flail]
[Mediocore Flail]
Requires 14 iron bars and 4 coal and leather/hide giving it different speed's.
Attached File  heroicflailgoddess.png   14.99KB   67 downloads
Level-35[Type Flail]
[Heroic Flail]
Cannot be smithed yet Boss drop .010 drop rate.It glow mystical metallic purple with a slight yellow haze to it.
I would like to see flailsin game as they are a different style weapon and there unique and i enjoy them very much so.
I plan on creating a hole series of flails.

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