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Member Since 15 May 2013
Offline Last Active May 28 2013 09:20

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In Topic: Crystal-cutting quest #2.

25 May 2013 - 09:45

Having the same issue.

In Topic: New Player Feedback

23 May 2013 - 15:13

I've found it very easy to get into so far.


My only issue has been getting used to the quest log, it didn't click for me early on and I missed a couple of quests that I've since  managed to sweep up. Perhaps an extra little tutorial regarding the quest log, not so much on how it works, more a suggestion to dive in and mess about with it as it made sense once I'd taken that extra time.


Void realm-great, no problems here,


Loving Othalo so far, I'm level 6 and trying out some initial crafting quests and delving a little deeper into gathering, most enjoyable.


Are there targetting hotkeys for groupmates? Found it a little hard healing in a group, though the party HP bars were not updating and this contributed to my confusion.


Basic melee,ranged and magic tutorial was fine, though I was throwing fireballs before I realised I could use my ranged attack key to fire 0 mana bolts, I think that was my fault for not reading properly though.


Tooltips have been very useful, and everything seems quite logical and straightforward so far.


Just remembered-maybe a little extra blurb about inventory and using extra bags.(discard does not empty the bag's contents into inventory, it throws them away hehe- I am dense).


Very enjoyable so far, mighty fine work.

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