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Member Since 24 May 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 10 2014 10:26

Topics I've Started

proposed idea to make 'EPICS' epic again!!!!

16 June 2014 - 21:16

just a little idea that might work, might not..... but i remember the days when epic items really were epic, and a status symbol for owning one, now they are common as muck, sold on the cheap and owned by pretty much all


so i have a little solution that could be a massive sink for a whole lot of epics, boost GvG, possibly PvP as well as give the economy a little boost as people try and buy up all they can as well as a gold sink etc etc


but anyway as it stands with current epics, even if you own all the best ones with +? stam gain you can probably achieve around +36stam gain ph and with terrible stats to accompany it!


so i suggest an inventible epic set much like the hooftest set and all 9 pieces would be needed to complete it, each piece alone would be worthless and give zero stats of any sort but the complete set as an example would give you +60 stam gain, +60 xp gain and x amount of  attack/defence/damage/armour relative to your level and the set should be avaliable to all levels 50 and above


each piece would require x amount of epics as well as PvP and GvG componants to create not to mention a nice healthy addition of gold :D


but yeah, there theres the idea, might of been mentioned before but add your thoughts or shoot it down..... im sure there are many tweeks that can be made :D



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