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Unnamed One

Member Since 15 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2015 03:09

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Which HCS game do you play the most?

14 November 2014 - 04:45

Not that it makes even the slightest bit of difference but... Fallensword is the one I call home. Though, for how much longer, I can't say...

In Topic: GGT Voting Round 3 -- Black & White with a Touch of Color.

21 November 2013 - 22:06


A - 7 --This is an absolutely stunning piece. Very well executed .

B - 7 -- Again, a perfect piece. 

(Of all the entries, these two are my favorite. I couldn't choose between them so I had to give them equal scores.)



A - 6 -- My attention is drawn to the color, as intended. But I'm not even sure what I'm looking at there. Everything else is so crisp and clearly defined but I can't make out what that is in front of the dragon.

B - 8 -- This is beautiful and I love how you used more than just one color.



A - 6 -- I like the blending in this but it's kind of boring. It doesn't pop. The color is dull and lifeless. 

B - 5 --I'm not a fan of this, at all. Considering the theme, there's just too much color and not enough black and white.



A - 7 -- I like how it looks old and faded. Almost has an antique quality to it.

B - 8 -- This is great! I wouldn't change anything abou it...

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