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#977623 FS down ... Unable to connect.

Posted by KitiaraLi on 06 March 2017 - 08:02

u broke it again kit ?

I was about to sink some 100stams into ppl... so maybe I am to blame?! :ph34r:

#977568 Farewell Avvakum TWP

Posted by KitiaraLi on 04 March 2017 - 06:10

Wow,  Crushing.   Truly a sad day.  Avva was a unique and intriguing individual.  He had a take on the world that I respected.  He didn't see the world as he wanted it to be, he saw it as it was.  I could always get a thoughtful answer from him in relation to any question either game related or life related.  He was intelligent and passionate and fully realized that how you are in game is how you are in life and refused to compromise in either.  He disagreed with me............ often.  But I always considered him a comrade.  Loyal and deserving, he has made an impact on many of us.  My thoughts go to him and his family.  I can appreciate how trying a time this must be.  I am better for having known him.  For that I will always be grateful.


With prayers of peace,



Beautiful words, max :wub:

RIP avvakum. You shall be missed.

#974309 New leveling Realms!

Posted by KitiaraLi on 22 December 2016 - 05:45

I am a tad curious as to where the response to the bugs are? Usually the moo moos keep a tap on these, as they know there may be some and we (players) are the best at finding 'em.


But total radio silence from 'em? (apart from Zorg reacting to the servers being from 1996, and still not worth a dime).


I know there is more to come during x-mas, but I'd prefer you do one thing, make sure it works - then move along to the next.

#974079 Pass the time?

Posted by KitiaraLi on 18 December 2016 - 08:55

Personal Achievements would be nice though, could come up with like 20 off the top of my head... 

Do it :ph34r: I like lists. We can call it "Top 20 personal achievements in FS" B) 


I'll start with no.1;

1. Win 100 PvP battles against the same player outside BB and Ladder. 100 stams only.

#974077 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by KitiaraLi on 18 December 2016 - 06:39

I think that the major problem with this event is that it's labeled "PvP" and everybody wants in on the "prizes".

The "problem" is that the ideology behind this was NOT to give "levelers" yet another extra. The idea at its roots was to get more people off the idea that PvP is worse than global warming or what have you AND give them some incentive to participate with all the "negatives" that PvP entails. 


This !


Several have stated they will not partake in a PvP global (if it in any way, shape or form involves any risk) - but somehow they have the urge to raise their voice in this thread.
I, and this may be a tad rude, get the feel it's because someone wants the spoils of war, whilst sitting home safely drinking tea.


And the following goes out to quite a few;

Yes, "we" wake up and crawl outta our tombs whenever someone tries to nerf PvP in this game, just as I am sure you would come a running, if we started debating how to nerf down xp gains from hunting, or to abandon TKP all together etc etc.

It cannot be a surprise, and it is a very sad attempt to manufacture an argument, that PvPers like .. well... PvP :wacko:


And yes, there are rotten apples doing PvP outside "the old code" - and that is how it has always been, and always will be, simply because we are all humans. Just like there always will be levelers that only act outta greed, making all levelers appear greedy, IF you're wearing your "I cannot differentiate"  glasses :rolleyes:


Finally I would suggest closing this thread, and when there is a new idea as to what to call a seasons inspired global, how it would work (opt in/out, xp loss, etc) - you know, trying to consider "both sides of the fence", then the moo moos can start a new thread. That way we at least have something solid to comment on.

#973948 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by KitiaraLi on 16 December 2016 - 07:08

This is why all of your suggestions fail.

This is trolling, and I will not take the bait.


As you admit yourself, you have no idea why people treasurer their xp so much.

Correct, I don't. Yes this game is also about leveling up (gaining XP), but yes, this game is also about PvP (losing XP). Main word being game. So no, I do not understand why someone would get as upset as I have experienced players do, both in pms, shoutbox, here on forum etc - for loosing 2 million xp just after doing a hunt where they have gained 500 million xp.

My thesis is, that if players learn, that XP loss in PvP is really not that big a deal compared to how easily it is regained, they might not fear PvP as much.


If you cannot understand that, if you cannot understand why people don't use the BB or why they don't think it works as punishment then how can any suggestion ever work?

This has always puzzled me as well. Why is it, that some players freak out over loosing 2 mill xp via a gold hit, but don't see it as fitting punishment that the gold hitter looses 40 mill xp (as a minimum)?


Even reduced xp loss won't work. Current xp loss is minimal as many of you say. So making that less will make people magically go hey, this ain't so bad. Yeah. You don't understand.

Funky, I thought I wrote something similar, but guess I don't understand then.

When any with a differing point of view stste that even with reduced xp loss, I want an opt out, you all ignore it. This is why pvp promo events fail. You don't understand and you ignore the opposition.

So, you don't have an opt out already? As in.. you cannot buy the extremely cheap PvP Protection? It has been mentioned a few times in this thread already - also by the big Grim.

Maybe, like arena, have a noob pvp area with no loss but no prize either (or just a tick towards global participation).

Classy of you to insult those who play the arena aspect of the game.


This way folks can get a taste for how fun live pvp is. It would almost have to work with multi hits since normal pvp hits are one and done. Not much dancing. The hook is the live battle but at least grt people to try. Xp loss is kryptonite.

I will state my thoughts again, and it is fine if you do not agree. I doubt we (as in the community and HCS combined) can attract more players to dabble into the PvP aspect of the game, unless we present just that; PvP.

Not a tweaked and nerfed version of it. If we want more players to get over their fear of PvP, they need to experience it in full. They need to feel for 'emselves what it does to 'em when they get smacked, and how it feels to have your friends and allies to retaliate. They would learn more about 'emselves and the character they play in this game, as they unleash their fury on the bounty board, to protect and avenge their own friends and allies. They need to experience that life does indeed go on, even though there is a few million xp missing. They need to go back to the hunting grounds, smack 10 critters and go "oh, that was "all" the xp I lost to that gold hit". And most of all (it was for me back in the day anyways) - they need to get to know PvP players while all the smacking is going on. Most are actually the nicest ppl you can meet, and most will chat with you.
That is my belief. Feel free to think otherwise.

The above used xp examples are all based on 10 stam hits, used at a range I have no idea where is - guessing around lvl 1K ish. No animals were hurt while writing this message.

#973915 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by KitiaraLi on 15 December 2016 - 07:57

Agreed. Not sure if reduced loss has ever been considered but surely it'd help? I mean, I PvP occasionally and I almost ALWAYS end up on the Bounty Board. And I almost always lose 5 levels because I'm an evil Admin. I get those level back swiftly enough.


~ Grim

Maybe this should be the main concern for the discussion then? Not the "what is we nerf xp loss" approach, but the "what if we teach players that xp loss is not the worst since someone tried cooking the first brussels sprouts" ?

The idea about nerfing the xp loss as an incentive to try out PvP in a global, is to me the same as gently pushing someone till they drop on their knees, then look at 'em and say "see, that didn't hurt that much" and then expect 'em to wanna get pushed head first into the ground after that, with the logic that hurting your knees wasn't all bad, so hurting your face must be just fine as well then.

I don't see it working like that. If we want more players to do PvP, we need to teach 'em it is not bad, nor something to be feared. I have no idea why som many seem to think XP is the best thing in this game since Heath Ledger (you girls know what I am talking about). But they do. And they fear PvP, mainly since it takes away their precioussss.

What they need to know is exactly what you said yourself; The lost xp is gained back swiftly.


Heck, those with big stam banks, gain the lost xp back, just by sitting still to regain their spend stam.

#973839 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by KitiaraLi on 14 December 2016 - 15:59

As I said once already, stay on topic. How Seasons could work as an Event. 


~ Grim

If introduced with an "opt in" thingie, since you do not wanna impose any aspect of the game to anyone (which is perfectly fine and fair), I would be very curious how many would actually opt in, and how it's supposed to work with guild mates. As in, would I again be able to smack some of those I am now in the guild with?


If it is set to work as the one-shot PvP season we had previously, well ... I have to agree with Calista on that one. It was not only voted outta the game faster than you can press a fart out of a dead whale on a hot beach - as I recall it, there was also a massive uproar here on the forum about how terrible it was.


If you decide to not have xp loss as a part of it, you are starting to slide towards something that could potentially be the end of PvP as we know it (in FS). I am willing to bet quite a large amount that it would not take long, before some would start arguing that if you'd remove xp loss all together, PvP would be saved and better than ever. And even though that would take away alotta grief from your desk, I am also pretty sure you know, that would not be the best for the game.


And finally - if you introduce it as a global, for the love of all things unholy, name it something else than PvP. I wouldn't go as far as the "Soft Pillow Fighting Global" ... but.. show some respect for those of us, who loved the ways of old and get very emotional every time that aspect of the game is being bend and twisted.


That's about it... for now.

#973371 Doubler

Posted by KitiaraLi on 11 December 2016 - 14:24

Meh *shrugs*


I can make an argument about a higher level doubler would benefit players, seeing as it would take less time to burn stam via hunting - and that it is not game breaking due to the fact, that they just get the xp they'd normally get, faster.


I could also make the counter argument based on the exact same - seeing as players might be active in the game in lesser time, and they'd be able to hunt more safe, due to the lowered time frame for gold thieves etc to find 'em.


So.. as much I would love to spend less time on the hunting aspect, I'd have to go with a "leave it as is" ...

#973370 Christmas Spirit HCS should help give back

Posted by KitiaraLi on 11 December 2016 - 14:12



Now there I do agree completely. Viewing this from an angelic perspective will most certainly help. :P

ahhh that part of the last post made me laugh out very loud. You beat me to the reply on it, hat´s off to you (if it wasn't so bloody cold outside that is) ^_^


And for the Qloak fella; With that attitude, you will not make EOC not matter what is thrown at you.

So many ppl explaining the whys and dos on how to move up in lvls, faster than the rest of us did, and yet you complain and argue for a "instant EOC" button. Come on! Seriously? This game is about making progress via game play. Some have made it the hard way (us oldies) and some the not-so-very-hard way. The common being "we made it" - none of us got it handed to us.

It's fun achieving something yourself (with help from your guild and friends of course). You should try it.

#973241 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by KitiaraLi on 08 December 2016 - 06:09

Common ground or not, many of the PvP hits are on offline players and it's the same with GvG.

Yes? Players can only play when they're online, and shouldn't be required to adjust their activity to when others are online. It has been stated in so many threads, by some many players, and current/former staff members by now, that there are plenty of ways to minimize the risk of getting hit while you're offline.


I think the general mass of players might just put up 5 days worth of PvP protection and wait out the event. 

There we go; One of the ways to try and minimize the risk.


You see, those that play the other aspects of the game do not need the PvP player to enjoy their game time, whereas the PvP player absolutely  Does NEED these players to play their aspect of the game.

Actually, that is not entirely correct. PvPers does LIKE to have levelers around for the gold hits, but tbh they do not need 'em. They'd be just as happy to hit each other. Some have even pushed for the ability to hit their own guild members over the years.. some still do. What you maybe do not understand is the fact, that most PvPers do it because they find it fun. Not to cause harm to anyone - nomatter what the propaganda says.


Give it more thought and don't be so quick to shoot down ideas that don't suit your style of play, or try to force everyone to play your style of game.   Different can be a good thing.

Yes, different opinions can evolve new things, but again you go with the "force your style" comments? PvP is a part of the game, and performed via the build in game mechanics,  so if it is any-ones style of play, that would be HCS.

Besides that, I think Cali is doing a perfectly fine job in pointing out what parts in your suggestion, would never work - and why it will not work... and if I have to shine my own light, I actually think I have tried to help you towards not being so protective of your idea, and trying to listen instead of just jumping into the defensive stance.

#973200 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by KitiaraLi on 07 December 2016 - 05:58

*snip* My comments below are aimed at more or less all of the above posts by Pythia


Firstly, I appreciate that you try to come up with some ideas for an aspect of the game where you do not have any expertise. This is (in my book) always welcome, seeing as a fresh view on things can lead to a new direction of the things that already are. I would suggest, you keep the "this is an idea and I would like feedback" approach, seeing as you are suggesting things in a sensitive aspect of the game, where as many player have very high expertise, and also emotions attached.

Aka; As much as you might like your idea, know that it will have a huge amount of flaws pointed out from those that know this aspect of the game.


Secondly; Explain why anyone would be interested in spending stam on running around in circles trying to find a target to hit? You might even try to explain why you'd like the "one player kills another" part of the game, to be altered into a more childish game of tag?


Lastly, and most importantly; This is not SigmaStorm2 and should i no way, shape or form try to mimic anything that went on in that game - ESPECIALLY not the "PvP" part.

#973089 10th Anniversary Titan!

Posted by KitiaraLi on 05 December 2016 - 21:44

Now there is the nice "happy anniversary" message for us all. Thank you :wub:

#972018 PvP prestige.

Posted by KitiaraLi on 18 November 2016 - 05:55

I would rather see this:

  • for "normal" PvP (gold hits)

10 stam = ZERO Prestige (will counter "prestige trading")

100 stam = 10 Prestige

  • for the PvP Lader

10 stam = ZERO Prestige (will counter "prestige trading + already PvP Prestige potion there)

100 stam = 1 Prestige

  • for the Bounty Board

10 stam = 1 Prestige

100 stam = 5 Prestige


Prestige Rewards are good BUT definitely NO to #4 !!! NO "safe" hits (would both upset PvPers & NON-PvPers) !!!!

I like this. A lot!

Prestige was meant as a way to get a little extra xp back from hunting if you "lived by the sword" and often got posted for a joyful smacking. Not as something levelers should twist into something they could get a little extra from - as safely as possible.
I recall all the twisting and perverting of the ladder concept (and the pvp event thing - oh and on the smasher medal), and recall who were the most outspoken on the matters, so that they could gain an extra little shiny to their leveling way of game play.
And yeah, that came out a tad bitter - but there might be a reason for that.


Marys suggestion could tweak the prestige system a little back into the direction it was originally meant. My only change would be, to remove prestige from the ladder completely. Same with the smasher medal - that one belonged to the board and normal PvP... but that might just be derailing, so I'll stop :rolleyes:

#971921 ... a fighting chance?

Posted by KitiaraLi on 16 November 2016 - 20:33


You do not get to control the actions, or reactions of any player in the game. Period.

Make some friends in the game, and I am sure they would hit for you as well.



And b4 the grim one comes around, stay on topic please :rolleyes:

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