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Member Since 30 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2021 00:36

#845237 My Ideas by ChelseaBrick

Posted by Sai on 30 January 2014 - 18:57

I'm talking to her in person right now,the OP is not about a list of current items in the chests. That is a good idea yes,but what is wanted is new items into these chests. People want to continue buying these chests,but only if more stuff are included into the rewards from these chests. As it is right now,everything from those chests have been obtained and there is no real incentive to buying them anymore. New items are wanted to be included into the shop,more variety is needed. Literally purchasing chests and just been pretty much giving them out to people.

So OP is just looking for a new variety of items to keep things interesting, instead of becoming stagnant items flooding the market? Sounds good but as long as nothing more becomes discontinued, markets based around unobtainable items makes for outrageous prices and unrealistic advantages to anyone who had the opportunity to afford them at the time. The one redeeming factor about a lot of these items is that they become bound and can't be traded anymore once used. 


I for one can't jump on the EP item wagon yet, I just can't afford to invest that much in a game currently which is why I missed out on buying founder packs and even missed out on getting my name at first, awesome devs for giving me my name back =],  because I was working 60hrs~ a week and couldn't be around. 

#789133 New Player Feedback

Posted by Sai on 11 May 2013 - 20:16

* What was hard to pick up when you first started playing?

I picked up the game fairly quick, initially the lack of open world boundaries such as being able to go from Othalo directly to lv20 areas south of Eldevin got me killed a few times while I was exploring but that was more me learning my way around than actual difficulty. 

Also no difference in monster name or mini map dot color made it interesting to figure out what was and wasn't aggressive. 


* Did you get stuck anywhere?

I did get stuck a few times. I didn't know I needed to do both Army and Mage council quests simultaneously to proceed into the lv25 areas. I got stuck playing catch-up for a few hours when I hit lv25 while friends went through the lv25 dungeons without me. 


I was also slightly inconvenienced during the plague quests and anything that involved them because my favored class was ranger so all my attribute points and skills were ranged and not mage/melee which the weapons you need to used are based. This may also cause an issue because to proceed through the game you need to use both mage and melee weapons to do the major quest lines, though in the future it will cost money to change your stats. Literally making the quest line "pay to win".


 --Something that hasn't happened yet but may have with some recent changes that have been made to the game. 

Inability to proceed through some quests due to the need for crafted/gathered materials. There is currently nothing in the game informing you of the importance of the non-combat skills, most people will go right to combat lacking the understanding that the other skills are necessary support skills to the basic game questing.



How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?

I found it quick and very entertaining, if not even emotionally scarring when the guy was eaten and spat out. Though I do think maybe some of the extended tutorial quests should be added to the void and forced upon you, such as how to learn a spell from the scrolls, and targeting different monsters in a group with the keys/right click.


Maybe even add a few extra things such as how attributes and skill trees work. I found myself asking others how they work from experience rather than anything I learned from the game itself. 

*What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)


I think they should be added to the void tutorial, and the quests themselves changed so they just reward you with basic gear instead of teaching you the skill itself. 


How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?


I used them for a bit but I ended up turning them off. 


-Game experience

FF11--7yrs, Runescape--9 years, Dungeon Defenders--2 years Pc/Ps3 (developer sponsored community event host for Dungeon Defenders Ps3 for a year.)  Many of the Nexon games, usually for only a month or so each. I'm also a Legacy player of FF14 1.0 and Beta tester of FF14 ARR. 

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