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Member Since 17 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 26 2020 05:20

Topics I've Started

Deleting quests

03 February 2014 - 01:08

there are some quests i would like to delete, like Icicle's end, gathering/crafting daily's, lvl 25 daily quests and pvp quests 


thats all i have to say  :D

Destroying Items

30 January 2014 - 17:52

Dragging an item out of your inventory and clicking outside your bag to destroy

so instead of: right click > destroy > confirm

                  to: drag outside inventory > confirm


EDIT: this should not override the quick farming method  :P

Garai Coliseum - Completions

06 January 2014 - 16:17

dont know if this has been said already but my Garai Coliseum completions says i have only done it 1 time, while ive done it alteast 10 times, if not more :P

Health on hit gems vs Jolt/Vindicate

24 December 2013 - 23:41

I have a health on hit gem in my 1handed weapon yet somehow i get hp if i use Jolt, if this is not considered a bug then why does Vindicate not give health on hit?

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