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Member Since 04 Jun 2013
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In Topic: 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

23 October 2014 - 01:20

About the PvPxp rewards


Potions are what we used to refer to as consumables use then they are gone in a very limited amount of time


Gear on the other hand is not. My opinion is that I am not adverse to gear being a reward but if so it needs to be crystal and have a very low durability rating so it is broken in a very reasonable amount of time. I also agree it needs to be bound to the person that invents it.

In Topic: 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

21 October 2014 - 02:12

Instead of having resets how about you gain tokens as you level up, 2 per level gained.

if you are de-leveled you have to gain your levels back before you get more points (like vl now) should give more value to pvp xp as well.

This is a very good idea and very simple to work with as well

In Topic: 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

19 October 2014 - 05:15

To be honest being a BH'er is more of a gold sink then a PvP'er is because they need the potions/buffs right now to complete the bounty. They can't ask around and wait so they buy what they can from the AH or now the Bazaar.

In Topic: 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

19 October 2014 - 04:44

lost 5957 gold of which Rebornjedi stole 4468 gold.. This is with Thievery 120% and reckoning kicked in my gloat.. The player had 219k gold.. Still worried about all your gold being stolen? Should I lose levels because of this simple 10 stamina attack?

The main reason I removed both gold theft and xp loss from 10 stam's is to encourage levelers to think about PvP as well. The loss may not be great but it is not often a leveler will damage another leveler with any kind of loss that they value. You have to understand most levelers are of a very different mind set then ether you or I. They will not do something to damage another one of the leveler group unless provoked. On the other hand getting attacked by a PvP'er is a very different matter and they want revenge for that attack.


I want all gold thefts to have the ability for revenge that is a levelers point of view


I want the ability to attack someone for PvPxp and Prestige but no gold with no worries of revenge a PvP'ers point of view. The such small amount of gold is not really worth the 10 stam attack but what I get from prestige and PvPxp might be


Besides the game still gets the small gold sink of both players having to repair gear.

In Topic: 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

19 October 2014 - 04:36

Any gold lost is gold sunk.. No matter how many ways you cut it..

I attack you, gold % is lost.. Gold sunk

You fear being attacked and post in marketplace, you pay to post.. Gold upgrades purchased due to fead of stolen gold.. Gold suck

Repair gear that is damaged in attack on both sides.. Erosion, Breaker, Disarm, Undermine, and Retailate add to that.. Gold sunk..

Potions bought in bazaar or special section to PvP.. Gold sunk..

Bounty tickets bought.. Gold sunk..

PvP has a HUGE impact on fallen sword's economy and could be bigger if XP loss was removed fully.. Between buffs, potions, equipment, upgrades, and other aspects fueled by PvP activity you'd think they would of thought about this sooner..think about how often players level.. Now think about how often you can PvP ;-)

As PvP stands now it is not the same gold sink it was in the past. Yes a small part of the gold lost is sunk but most of it ends up in your pocket which does not remove it from the game just redistributes it.


Yes I post in the MP it costs me a little so a small gold sink


Yes both of us have to repair gear again a very small gold sink


As a PvP'er how many potions do you buy in the Bazaar or from the special section of the AH?? You buy buffs/potions from other players so the gold is still in play in the game for the most part


Bounty tickets is a very small gold sink so yes again.


You attack me for 500k and get say 150k and I lose an additional 50k scattered on the ground. How much do you really spend on special potions?? EW1000 25k maybe but because you can make up the difference by buying buffs/potions like EA, SH, ES, Coord Att and Def why bother for the at level player that is hunting with no defense or armor. Most of what you spend as a PvP'er stays in the game there is no gold sink there.

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