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Member Since 24 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2016 21:21

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In Topic: inciting cry

19 June 2014 - 17:41

ok you say it's not bugged, but i'm running in TR with about 6 mobs cast tremor and impale i have the threat and all mobs are focused on me. warrior is on top of me using malestrom and the mobs start to target him so i cast inciting cry and all mobs have the blue marker saying that inciting cry has hit them. so that should mean they all target me again but they don't they still attack the warrior just after i have cast it. either inciting cry is only working on a few mobs at a time or it is bugged.

I have found inciting cry can be a little weak at times when I goes off.  Sometimes it last so little before the various DPS characters immediately regain aggro from us.


A little tweaking to it to make it more worthwhile would be nice




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