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Member Since 09 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2014 14:26

Posts I've Made

In Topic: LV45+ Elite class

12 November 2014 - 11:01

I like the idea of super hard and long quests for a specific talent, but I think that should be beside the tree, and something to grind out over a LONG time

Too much grinding makes the game look bad and one step forward to become Runescape. Stuff should be more activity related like quests.

In Topic: Ohdar Scar

12 November 2014 - 10:59

good idea, have 2 exits

one as now and one to the entrance

the way it works now is if you don't go out the exit but logout you go back to the beginning so it would avoid that hack.



just relog and it puts you outside:)



It would just be so much simpler if last cave would put you OUTSIDE. Things like logging out and in makes game look bad since you can ''trick'' the system, which ain't cool. Look really bad imo.

In Topic: Eldevin needs Minigames

12 November 2014 - 10:57

As long as there's some solo ones... Most of my game time gos for waiting for team to finish the dungeon.

In Topic: Better skilling equipment.

12 November 2014 - 10:56

always thought i would need a much bigger fishing rod to get those tuna but a worm on a bit of cotton works fine just like for sticklebacks 

But what about SUPER FISHING ROD -Roars loudly-

In Topic: Realm Map Images Pack

12 November 2014 - 10:35

That's one very fancy map. I like it. WIll download that info pack right away.




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