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Member Since 22 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 13 2016 18:38

#786010 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Chelsea on 21 April 2013 - 01:39

Gathering materials should go into your sacks even if your sacks are inside bags/backpacks.

Currently, if you have a sack in a large backpack and you have some wool in that sack, when you go sheer some more wool it won't stack on top of the existing wool in the large backpack - it just shows up in your main inventory.

This is also true even if the gathering mats aren't inside sacks.


In short, gathering materials should still stack up on top of each other even if they are in backpacks.

#285887 [In Development] Camera

Posted by Chelsea on 01 April 2013 - 22:37

I think it's a good idea to have it the way it is. If you're in an instance and you need to tell your party members something while trying to kill a mob, it wouldn't cause problems. For example, if you are trying to press "A" to rotate the camera or press "2" to heal and the chat box was still "selected" then if would just type those in the box.

Granted you can just deselect the chat box by clicking on something else but I think it's just more convenient the way it is.


You'd probably get used to pressing enter repeatedly, eventually. Perhaps they will add that as an option instead of a permanent change in the future.  :)

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