Since I pm'd L3fty about this I thought I should post it too... anyone else having these problems or any additional ones at TR?
Life steal randomly not working (this happened at Old Tooth) then started working again at Thrade... could tell it was not working because everyone takes 'reflective damage' from this boss and his minions and no health was being restored from 'steal health' rolls on gear.
Loot roll at Balaur didn't grant any rolls for Need/Greed... one player left (Arumat) after Balaur died and went to another team, when he reentered TR he got the notice he won all from our last round but was granted nothing.
Also, my new belt special (3% chance when hit to slow nearby enemies by 30% for 5 seconds) did not activate at all during 2 runs through TR.
Team was: Raven, sdhealer, Arumat, Laiwun, Legolas?
Random bug stuff going on in there...
Edited by Sage, 24 February 2014 - 16:55.