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What new feature would you like to see added?

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#1 Hoofmaster


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:31

Hi all,

What new feature would you most like to see added to the game?

This can be one of your existing suggestions or a completely new feature that you think would be an improvement to the game.

We'll leave this thread open for a few days then take a good look through and see what looks to be the most requested, and providing it is feasible and we also feel it will benefit the game, we'll look to get it implemented!

#2 skepsis



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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:32

I have been waiting for a thread like this!

My favorite idea is Phools for a cheaper way to reset a single skill and not all at once...


#3 fs_mags

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:33

i would second that!

would also like to see some minor things to make the IE version of FS more like the FSH version... there are so many useful tools there.


(ps... it is wonderful to see you again!)

#4 fs_pythonspam

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:34

i would second that!

would also like to see some minor things to make the IE version of FS more like the FSH version... there are so many useful tools there.

I agree wholeheartedly.

#5 fs_stickisgod

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:35

/me points to the Legendaries in Scavenging Thread...

The Destroyer Potion...Please make it Berserk 500 or 1000. The fact that we can invent a potion equal to one a SE drops is crap.

And this: http://forum.fallens...pic.php?t=58371

Player generated Arena tournaments would be cool too.

Another nice fix for the arena would be to limit the amount of tournaments for certain levels be put into place. I'm getting sick of seeing 10 tournaments available for a 20 level span, and nothing for other areas.

I would also like to see more incentive taken to make defense sets less powerful in the arena. As it is right now, defense rules the arena. And every move helps them dominate. It is in no way a balanced fighting area. More skill and less luck please.

I'd like to see the arena split into 2 sides, one for moves and one for items. That or just lower the amount of players needed to start Move tournaments.

I also will add a bit about combat moves. A few of us were discussing how some of them are worded...more specifically the Spin Attack. Currently it says: "+20% chance to hit." I read that and think, oh cool...it will help against def kits since you have at least a 20% chance to get past them...then someone with more knowledge than I says it actually only adds 20% to your attack stat. If that is the case it should be worded differently.

I still would love to see tournaments that start at a certain time. No player limits, just have a new one every hour or 2, let it get people for 1-2 hours, then start it. With the right items it will become a massive gold sink.

#6 fs_tawniteamo

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:37

I would prefer to see arena moves more balanced towards armor based setups (currently is MUCH in the favor of defensive setups) and LE items added to scavenging. Fixing current features>adding new ones

#7 fs_icehawk12

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:38

hmm. id like fallen sword to have contests for everybody. as in having lvling contests, hunting contests, etc... that would be realy cool for al sorts of people. also have fsps prizes. :D

#8 fs_alumaman

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:38

one time free skill reset,more legendary events

#9 fs_jdogg555

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:38

i think we should get 50 free fsps a month

#10 fs_spartan007

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:38

I would like to see useless structures such as the armory give bonuses based on percentages, but of course there would be a bit more to the cost.

#11 fs_falloutwar

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:39

i would like to see a secure trade link in the persons profile im tired of copying the username and then going to secure trade

#12 fortville



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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:39

Would like to have full duplex voice communications for guild members built into the game.

#13 smurflord



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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:39

how about being buy FSP like at X-mas when you put in how much you wanna pay and it tells you how much FSP you can get for that price except instead of waiting till a certain day to recieve your FSP you get it right then and there

#14 fs_conscar

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:39

Keep the epic items epic...you saw what happened the first time there were legendaries dropping good items in scavenging. And this applies to many other aspects of the game and the game mechanics--they seem to working perfectly reasonably, and there is no need to change anything.

But implementing some of the perks of the FSHelper into the game would be a good addition for IE users, certainly.


#15 Lahona



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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:40

I would like to see a way of opting out of the PvP aspect of this game. I see a lot of bios lately of players that are quitting because they are fed up with getting hit by thieves and losing hard won xp and gold.

#16 fs_kckilla

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:40

I agree with skepsis, mags, pythonspam, and myself= buy a skill reset for a single skill, not all skills :-{)

#17 PreyDragon



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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:40

im pretty sure everyone will agree with me that there should be a quick buff link that takes you straight to the quick buff page in Available Actions with add as enemy etc area when u browse on somebodys profile.

#18 fs_davaorn

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:40

I would like to see Phools idea about a cheaper way to reset skill points and adding legendary creatures to scavenging!

#19 fs_nrogara

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:40

Hi all,

What new feature would you most like to see added to the game?

This can be one of your existing suggestions or a completely new feature that you think would be an improvement to the game.

We'll leave this thread open for a few days then take a good look through and see what looks to be the most requested, and providing it is feasible and we also feel it will benefit the game, we'll look to get it implemented!

Change the bounty board.....The only decision that should be made is whether to post someone or not. Make it 10 kills only, so that the medals for bounty hunting still mean something and not so easily bought by folks with money!

#20 fs_mags

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:41

would also love to see the "gift" suggestion(s) put into place. doesn't change gameplay or affect any of the major issues, but it would be lovely to have.

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