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Member Since 21 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active May 04 2014 01:09

#865510 Some Suggestions =)

Posted by CoCoBane on 27 April 2014 - 14:37

This is a list of suggestions I think would be cool to implement into the game. I kinda want to the game to be like live your own rpg life, like how mabinogi is like live your own anime life. I'm sure people might hate on some of these, but all I ask is for comments on why it would be a good idea or a terrible idea


1) Land Lots - Where you can buy a land lot and you can build anything on it. Like a house, farming area, anvil for smiting, Skinning rack, or anything. 


2) Carpenter/Engineering Skill - This also goes for Land Lots but it can also be for quests. Where you can build things from wood you gathered, copper(any material) rivets, or copper(any material) bars even maybe having to use magic in order to build something with magical properties. For the engineering part it can be like building a robot or some mechanical thing that would go into your Land Lot or quest.


3) Mounts - Just a faster way to move around the Eldevin Universe or something that can hold extra items like a pack mule. 


4) Taming Skill - To make more hybrid classes, something like taming an animal and it would fight into battle with you. Just want more opportunities to make hybrid classes 


5) The Good, The Bad, The Neutral - there can be bad deeds that's happening in the world or that can be you. You will meet random encounters in the game like someone mugging a girl. You can choose to help her which would increase your goodness, ignore her which wouldn't affect your good/evil meter, or kill the mugger but ask for something from her for helping which would increase your evil. Now if you're evil/good/neutral in the good, certain NPCs would approach you or will act diff. towards you. Which would trigger quests or the quests won't show up.


6) Bounties - Players would be allowed to place bounties on you for killing them or stealing their supplies or just anything. I suggest adding something like a time limit or a limit of bounties you can place every week or day in order to prevent trolls.


7) Swimming - I hate how you can't even walk through small ponds of water which gets annoying when traveling. But yeah you should add swimming where if there is a lake in the way, swim though it or just use a boat which goes into the next one.


8) Boats - To be able to good though large bodies of water. You can use carpenter/engineering skill to make one. Which can lead to pirates or fighting on water. 


9) Weather - where it can raining one day or snowing the other, or maybe just a sunny day. Have weather in the game, which can affect you personally. Like when farming it can destroy crops, or using a fire attack won't be effective, or using a water/ice attack which would be increased. Maybe even mobs would be lessen or increased on a certain weather.   


10) Random Encounters - this can also be for your good/evil meter but it can also be something fun to do. Also this is to prevent botters. It can be like someone who would approach you can ask you to go somewhere or to help them. It can either be a trap in which they would steal some of your money or saving some person/village. It can also be something stupid like a kid asking you to play or making you run around the town to catch him, but once you catch him/her, they can give you something bad or a rare item. 

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