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Member Since 16 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 13 2015 10:51

Topics I've Started

Armor type talents which needs some correction.

02 March 2015 - 07:54

So today i did check a talents and found something interesting about  Talents which gives you boost from armor you wearing. 


Heavy armor:

1) from Templar tree  Stouthearted (increase bonus defense received from Heavy armor items by 2%/4%/6%)


2)Warrior tree Battle Hardened (for each heavy armor piece equipped you gain and extra 1%/2%/3% of melee attack power)


Light armor:


3) Mage tree Mental Agility (increase your spell haste 1%/2%/3% for each piece of light armor equipped)


4) Prophet tree Prophecy (increases your mana regeneration 2%/4%/6% for each piece light armor equipped)


Medium armor: 


5) Assassin tree Ambidextrous (increases critical chance whit one handed melee weapons by 1%/2% for each medium armor piece  equipped)


6) Ranger tree Dexterous (increases your ranger and melee haste by 0,5%/1%/1,5%/2% for each medium armor piece equipped)




So after this we can see  that Heavy and Light armor boost give something for both classes but  medium armor only Assassin gets something from both talents, but ranger gets only from his tree. So i would suggest that Assassin tree talent  Ambidextrous now would be like this - increases critical chance whit one handed melee weapons and bow, crossbows by 1%/2% for each medium armor piece  equipped

Fabled Cbow and warrior talent "Frenzy"

22 July 2014 - 16:35



1)  Fabled Cbow animation is like bow animation and speed also 


2)  Warriors talent Frenzy says that it gives immunity to snares and slows for 30 sec, but when I use my crystal blast it also gives immunity to stun which is crystal blast primary effect. 

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