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Member Since 29 May 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2021 23:58

#993786 Suggestions: Houses, Boutique

Posted by ElainaxMariex on 29 August 2018 - 02:19

Hello! As someone who loves customization, I'd be willing to pay for the ability to decorate a house and customize my hair, face, makeup, etc. It's small, but I'd really like to see this game come back alive! I've put 3 months of membership on my account to only find out that you've all but given up on this game, and I'm heartbroken, so I hope this message is seen and you guys consider updating a game that I find incredible!

#976395 Relic Collection Quest is broken

Posted by gotan on 07 February 2017 - 03:31

If i remember correctly u have to be sure that u are *inside* the box in the center of the room after killing all the mobs


Posted by ernzor on 23 October 2016 - 21:46

Strikes are so tame these days.


We used to do it naked, with flaming torches.


Guess they thought we were going to burn the place down and dance in the ashes so they did some updates to keep us occupied...

#964358 Spine Chomper Attack!

Posted by tharzill on 13 June 2016 - 19:16

I have to say the description of the Clockwork Spine chomper is my favourite of them all. Too bad I'm still quite new to FS but maybe some day I'll tackle those higher level ones. :)

Stick with it and you'll get there!  :)


On topic: Thanks BG! 

#964283 Development Update

Posted by Mongo on 11 June 2016 - 14:00

I had a blast! thanks for the fun time's, players and staff alike.


Good luck with your next project @HCS team.


Special thank's to John for letting me be part of the beta/post release feedback group, it was really enjoyable to brainstorm stuff with you guy's.


Hi and bye to all the colourful characters I met in the game, too many to name but you know who you are. Enjoy your future gaming adventure's all.


~ Love Mongo  :)

#948908 Player housing?

Posted by Kendiosa on 16 September 2015 - 20:45

Sharks? With lazer guns? Awesome

#948904 Player housing?

Posted by Eliessar on 16 September 2015 - 20:23

baby steps man baby steps in 2020 we will having flying goblin cars and dragon wing hovercrafts and lazzzzer guns.

#948093 New forum category

Posted by Irradiated on 09 September 2015 - 19:27

I've suggested this before, going to mention it again as I still like the idea :)


With people once again posting and discussing builds, I'd like to see a 'build discussion' category.  As it currently stands, these discussions get lost in the general or help category, and have to be dug out or redone when someone inevitably asks again.


It would also be interesting to track how builds have evolved over time.


I've considered sub-categories for each class (plus one for hybrid), but I think that would be overkill.

#947117 healer guide and icc guide for dummies

Posted by Removed18058 on 30 August 2015 - 04:51




Hi there and welcome to

my healing guide for dummies



I am not claiming that this is a perfect build.


However i do claim that this is a nice starter build for the following reasons ( can pretty heal everything with it, very few mana issues not much to think about during healing just mashing 2 keys suffices :D).




Now to start with the guide


Basic stuff that you should already know




- quick explanation of spells


-dogma: great single target heal with a minor delay.

-crimson chain: great multi target bouncing heal bouncing towards allies healing them.

-dark prayer: great aoe heal heals all friendly targets around you in a pretty large radius fairly long cast time.

-benediction: great aoe healing dome heals allies within dome and applies a 30% damage reduction buff for the duration.

-snowfall: great aoe percental heal heald 5% max hp and regenerates 3% max mana per second to all allies in range and reduces damage taken by 50%.

-rejuvenate: simple heal over time spell.

-redemption: gives a damage reduction buff to ally.

-cauterize: massive single target heal with an instant cast pretty much a panic button.

-force of nature: gives a buff to all allies increasing the amount of healing done to them by 50% another great panic button.

-serenity: removes 2 debuffs on your ally and reduces the damage of the next hit by a percentage.




-Character stats attributes potions and talents


Healers want the following stats as high as possible: dps, healing power, spell haste and spell crit.

This means that all attribute points should go into sorcery.


Optimal gear would be light armor with a staff and essence.


Nifty potions and foods for healers:

sorcery potions, healing power potions roly polies and coco puddings.


Now then for the talents here's the build:



So we got our build now how the hell do we use it? XD









The actual healing



first of all we pot, eat and buff up :)



i have chosen not to get the upgraded redeem for the simple fact that it's great for starting pulls and it's commonly forgotten inbetween the rotation and the 25% damage reduction during the pull makes it so one doesn't have to heal up a ton of damage or atleast a reduced amount of damage. if you think that this is stupid then this isn't the guide for you and you can skip to advanced class wich will be given later :D


we're going to do this with steps :)



step 1

ask your tank what kind of tank he is it's kinda important to communicate with your team talk about what strategy you're going to do etc etc. it's really awkward if you start healing in a spot and your tanks runs right past you ;)


if he's a healtank go to step 2.1

if he's a (regular) tank go to step 2.2



step 2.1


to better understand how to heal you gotta know how the tank you're healing works.


so we're going to explain the quick basics of a healtank the do's and dont's


a healtank bases itself on a few simple talents in the prophet tree one is the aura of tranquility wich heals 6% of their max hp per person healed these tanks want their team to be fairly close to them so their benediction and crimson chain hits all 4 other team members to maximize their self heals by 30% per heal. these players also have the upgraded redeem regenerating them 3% of their max hp per second. 


do's normal healing with dogma, benediction,snow,crimson chain etc etc

dont's casting redeem breaking cc chains standing way out of reach.


go to step 3



step 2.2

normal tanks are great for absorbing damage keeping aggro on the mobs and staying alive ;)


do's normal healing with dogma, benediction,snow, crimson chain etc etc AND casting redeem during pulls.

dont's nothing really :)


go to step 3



step 3


the tank starts a pull as your tank takes the first bit of damage during the pull you cast your redeem on him ( not on healtanks eh!)  this generates no aggro and makes sure that you don't get attacked by the creatures too early.  whenever this redeem wears of in the middle of a pull make sure to cast it again untill the tank starts the actual grouping up.


step 4


once the tank stops moving and starts grouping it all tighter place down your ancestral spirit on the spot where the tank will be likely to group them up and then cast snowfall these spells generate no aggro making sure that you and your tank are safe.



now then we have multiple scenarios :)



scenario 1: your tank is around 80% hp go to step 5

scenario 2: your tank is around 50% hp go to step 6

scenario 3: your tank is around 20% hp go to step 7




step 5:

your tank took minimal damage so place down your benediction for an easy 30% damage reduction after this start rotating your crimson chain and dogma spells and you should be fine



step 6:

your tank took some damage no worries we start things off with a dogma to pump that hp back up so we can place down our benediction. if during the benediction cast the tank drops really low make sure to cauterize it back up and then crimson chain and dogma rotations


step 7:

panic!! cauterize right away and dogma right after that if your tank still takes serious damage make sure to use force of nature for an even bigger healing boost for a while when force of nature then wears off make sure to redeem for some extra damage reduction to keep your tank alive.



this concludes the beginner healing guide


with this information you should be able to heal every dungeon with ease


if anyone has questions feel free to ask them


if anyone feels that i might've missed something feel free to tell me and i'll add it to the guide


healing icc guide, advanced healers guide and the pvp healer guide will follow shortly


if you found this guide usefull make sure to show your appreciation with a like and a  normal thank you or friendly reply down here also suffices :)

#942062 Locations of Woodland Spirits

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 29 July 2015 - 13:33

Locations of all Woodland spirits in Eldevin.

All of them reward u with 1-5 dubloons which can be used in summer event shop:)




Found most of them by myself, thanks to everyone who tipped me locations ingame:)

#942281 Locations of Woodland Spirits

Posted by Vidazar on 30 July 2015 - 10:23

I created a map for those unsure where the locations in the list are, or want the exact location. I take no credit for finding the locations, only for making the map.



#939169 Camera Annoyance in Cursed Tower

Posted by l3fty on 17 July 2015 - 11:30

This in an unfortunate artefact of us completely changing the camera system post release. The ideal would have been to have the blocking geometry fade out when the camera was enabled to go anywhere, but we didn't build the world initially with that in mind. If we did have chunks fade out, lots of horrible holes and things would be visible underneath.


Perhaps an ignore-camera-blocking option would be a good solution at the moment. Something we can mention to Cowboy soon :) 

#938809 Tanking guide !

Posted by NerdyNeko on 13 July 2015 - 21:00

How can tanks lose the threat? I know if prophets start to heal early, then that's one way. But is there other reasons they might lose it?

If tank needs Empathy to hold aggro and forgots to cast it, Boss spawns adds and with heals coming all at time they will get healer first, Patrol ambushing.. that can mostly be avoided though.. and when little too eager dps accidentally drags some group somewhere.

#938808 Tanking guide !

Posted by drdoom123 on 13 July 2015 - 20:45

Nice guide! :) and after reading.. I'm wondering one thing.

How can tanks lose the threat? I know if prophets start to heal early, then that's one way. But is there other reasons they might lose it?

basically if the dps has really high dps they generate more threat ...Higher DPS = more threat :D

#936792 NPC Templars

Posted by Huxtable on 20 June 2015 - 06:18

I'm one of the many who started as Templar then switched to higher dps to level, and yes, Templars need to be made more enticing to play. Higher damage output is one way of doing this, but it's a delicate balance--can't make them too OP.


I've been kind of championing/trying to rehash the idea of a dual-spec option as I think it's a quick & easy solution to problems finding groups. I'm sure there are plenty of warriors & warsins (myself included) who would be happy swap spec to tank a dungeon run if it didn't mean they'd have to be married to the class. Same goes for mages and healing. Hell, assassins & rangers, too, if they don't mind carrying around another armor set.

There are also a handful of good tanks out there who have trouble finding groups while playing their dps class. This would allow them to get the relics they need on the character they choose while ultimately playing the class they want to play.

Ugh, I can go and have gone on and on about the many advantages of it (see link below), but the main reason I think it's a good idea is exactly that: it would make finding dungeon runs easier by eliminating a lack of specific classes.

Yes, there'd be more tanks who need to learn how, but new tanks need that anyway. Long term there would be more people who know how to tank & heal and therefore would understand group dynamics better and could help teach other new-to-classes.



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