I know it was removed for a reason as I was with the many that called for it, but could we get Group queuing back? It would need to be separate from solo queueing. Would it be easy to add, or take lots of work?
At the moment, most matches are decided by what the luck of draw groups us as, due to imbalance in classes. I know there will never be perfect balance, that is impossible in most games so why not let us balance our own teams for some pvp fun? I am sure the community would swap around players too, just to get some variation and fair fights going on.
The solo queue system would still be used, maybe even more so for those learning the ropes as they will not be up against the long term pvp players all the time.
Example (for those who know these players kinda build)
Team A:
Team B:
The above example would at least be fun and both teams could certainly have a good chance of coming away with a win.
(note I put Reine with Lahara, or she would beat me up)
Edited by Mongo, 07 November 2014 - 01:16.