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My experience playing FS (from a semi beginner's point of view)

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#1 Halfera


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Posted 13 March 2018 - 18:35

Let me start off with that I returned to FS after quite a few years of absence. From back then I had some upgrades already done to my character so I didn’t start completely fresh (which must be even worse).
So it all started right of the bat when I decided to get back into the game. During each and every hunt there are always someone just waiting to take a good chunk of all the money you just made before selling it on the FSP market (and with the high lvl gloat that exists today it will result in a very good chunk). Since you don’t make any FSP you can’t upgrade your character, ever. Sure there are some preventative buffs, but what do they matter when there are even higher level counters to the counters (yes I’m talking about the anti deflect potion). And with all these new potions there are literally no chance of winning in a fight when you are at composing lvl 15 (took 6 months to get there and still got nothing useful to make).
I don’t particularly like PvP but can deal with it if there are some measures to take against it. All you can do today if you get attacked is put up a bounty, which someone will clear with 10 stamina attacks (cuz why would anyone waste more stamina than they need to, right?). So basically all that result in is me spending more money so my attacker can lose as much exp that I lost in the first place (I know, I know, they will lose some more, but barely). And when it really comes down to it what does a PvPer care for exp anyway. As it stands you have all to gain (lots of gold) from doing PvP while nothing to lose (small amount of exp?).
And then there is this last little bit of annoyance that made me do this inspiring post in the first place. A couple of days ago I had some money on hand to try and buy a FSP(300k or so) when in regular order someone attacks and steal most of it. I post a bounty on him and logs of. Next time I check my log this is what greets me:
10:32 13/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
08:43 13/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
07:25 13/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
03:22 13/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
01:15 13/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
20:42 12/Mar/2018                    You were attacked by , but you deflected the attack.
15:07 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
11:39 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
10:24 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
09:15 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
08:15 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
07:14 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
At this time I don’t even have any money on me it’s just for the heck of it I guess (were they all 100 stamina attacks, ofc cuz why not?). Sure I could post bountys off all the attacks but all that does is hurt me more than him (quick calculation of the bounty cost: 12 bountys * (10*2000 ticket price/bounty + 102000 minimum bounty reward) = 1,5M), so why bother.
Conclusion: Does this motivate me to play FS? Sure don’t. Is it fun getting your hard earned cash taken time and time again? Nope. Would I ever recommend someone to start play FS. Never. Atm this is a game for the players that have played it for a long time and no amount of app development will ever change that.
And with this I’m done with my whining. I’m not going to leave any suggestions that would solve anything of the mentioned above, mostly cuz I have no idea how to fix most of it or if it’s even possible.

#2 BadPenny



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Posted 13 March 2018 - 18:41

[edit~] My good friend Grendel said it all...  :)

Edited by BadPenny, 14 March 2018 - 02:12.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#3 watagashi



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Posted 14 March 2018 - 00:30

"Let me start off with that I returned to FS after quite a few years of absence"

So did I

"So it all started right of the bat"
Thats always been here,, its actually a lot LESS active than it once was mostly because there are a lot less players. There was a lot about new pots buffs and etc that make things hard. I can only say think about the NPCs and how easy it is for you to beat them. If you take some precautions such as not waiting all the way to the end to bank or sell would help quite a bit, barring that there will be other actions that can be taken to help protect yourself, if its that big of an issue try deep pockets, defiance, or honor. But really just expect to be hit and keep on your toes banking and selling off the gold and you make yourself less of a target.

"I don’t particularly like PvP but can deal with it if there are some measures to take against it"
I have already mentioned several measures but will go into this paragraphs main point,, bounties. One big change I noticed that came up during my break is several players make progress tward their smasher medals by doing 100s on bounties. Its not a given that it wil be cleared by 10s in fact theres a good chance you can get a free smasher bounty nowdays. That said its still most likely not enough to give satisfaction to the victim. Here you have to decide how upst you get about these things, perhaps again consider the NPCs are not difficult to defeat especially buffed to the hilt and therefore its a issue of easy come easy go. If you still are upset perhaps you need to find a guild that is into punishing pvpers and all ok with tossing away 10k of their stam to make you feel justified. Either way there are measures to prevent and to deal with pvp.

Theres a paragraph basically describing how you have now gotten on a pvpers bad side,, I have to stop and ask have you taken the effort to get yourself a offline set or are you using tagged guild epics far under your level and expecting nobody to hit you?
I am sure this isnt all the facts in the situation but ill just go like you did nothing to provoke nor ask for more attacks and this guy has nothing better to do than hit you all day,,,"Conclusion: Does this motivate me to play FS?"  Maybe if the motivation is to level out of their range then yes. 

And when its all said and done there is the #1 way to stop this,, level out of their range and they will find someone else to follow. 

"Would I ever recommend someone to start play FS. no"
Well for other reasons of my own I wouldnt either but thats beside the point

"Atm this is a game for the players that have played it for a long time and no amount of app development will ever change that."
I agree fully,, still hold the hope that major issues can be resolved before launch and the issues that have cost such a large part of the player base can be resolved in a way that may bring back a few once again. Otherwise if I didnt have that hope,, or I lose that hope,, id quit 

#4 cucullainn



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Posted 14 March 2018 - 00:41

There is PVP protection. I too had taken some years off and never had the problems when I returned. Not like you have had. I guess I'm lucky. Would I recommend somebody play FS. 10 years, ago 9 years ago yes. Not today. Good luck

Edited by cucullainn, 14 March 2018 - 00:44.

#5 Morgwyn



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Posted 14 March 2018 - 14:28

While we can all have our opinions on this matter, it does not really matter. Wether a player keeps on playing is mostly based on his playing experience he gets while starting this game. This shows a side new players are dealing with and I for one think it is very wise to listen and learn from it.

#6 Removed4427



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Posted 14 March 2018 - 14:38

True or false

PvP protection protects xp only

You still lose gold and suffer equipment damage

#7 BadPenny



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Posted 14 March 2018 - 16:40

True or false

PvP protection protects xp only

You still lose gold and suffer equipment damage

True..... AND if you attack anyone yourself, except in the case of GvG, PvP protection is negated and goes away.  


Know this, in the case of repeated attacks, especially 100 stam attacks, if you have nothing to steal, there's another underlying problem.  My advice in these cases is to have no contact with that person yourself.  Send a copy of your logs in a ticket to BG, and let him investigate.... ESPECIALLY if you have had no prior contact, verbal or otherwise, with your attacker.  BG can correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I understand it, repeated 100 stam attacks for no apparent reason are considered harassment, and BG will get to the bottom of it and help you get relief.


FS has always had an element of PvP.  I used to be quite a bandit myself, but I also believe in having some decorum and not doing things in excess... Well except when I stole all BG's Gold, but it was MILLIONS :P  We both ended up losing a few levels that day (BG double dipped AND announced we were both on the board :P)

Edited by BadPenny, 14 March 2018 - 16:41.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#8 Removed4427



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Posted 15 March 2018 - 01:55

The seasons update was the great equalizer in situations like this

Someone attacks you, they are auto-bountied at some random time in the future

Put some extra gold on that bounty and it was a guaranteed loss of 2 levels

Unfortunately the seasons update was released with bugs and was voted down before being given a chance to show how great a fix it was to situations like this

#9 WandKing



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Posted 15 March 2018 - 07:16

+1 duk


I've been playig FS for almost a decade because it ain't easy


no cheat codes


FS is a life education that can't be learned in Universities especially if you are not able to study at one.


I've learned more about social interact with real life people by experiencing the good and bad with FS people


Infamous saying "there is no RL reset button"


If Fallen Sword is too annoying for you then (been over a decade since I played it) Tigger and Winny are the main heros in that game...may be more your style :) 


Life ain't easy and thank goodness this game ain't either :)

#10 BadPenny



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Posted 15 March 2018 - 16:15

+1 duk

[good stuff~]


Infamous saying "there is no RL reset button"


If Fallen Sword is too annoying for you then (been over a decade since I played it) Tigger and Winny are the main heros in that game...may be more your style :)


Life ain't easy and thank goodness this game ain't either :)

There's always My Little Pony Happy Adventure Islands :P

Edited by BadPenny, 15 March 2018 - 16:15.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#11 RedFinn



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Posted 15 March 2018 - 20:19

What is this PvP you talk of?


Is a food, or a drink? Where can I get one?


#12 SirAdmiral



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Posted 18 March 2018 - 05:24

I can't attack people for no reason over and over?



This kills the SirAdmiral.

#13 Removed4427



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Posted 19 March 2018 - 00:57

Though I admonish any suggestions to quit the game, I agree that changes in recent years have shifted the balance to favor the defender in PvP - most notably the ability to bounty each and every attack

I vaguely remember in a long ago thread a PvPer decrying the unfairness of being bountied 5 times for 5 straight deflected hits

Edited by duktayp, 19 March 2018 - 15:26.

#14 cucullainn



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Posted 19 March 2018 - 14:55

Yet I have only seen six bounties placed since Thursday. :(

And the board is empty now

#15 BadPenny



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Posted 19 March 2018 - 17:08

Yet I have only seen six bounties placed since Thursday. :(

And the board is empty now

That's because my prey got wise and no longer has gold.....

Just one old lady's opinion




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#16 Qloak



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Posted 20 March 2018 - 20:14

I feel op, same reason I quit more or less, this company don't care for new players, they care for their existing player base, wich is slowly but very very surely decreasing.

#17 BadPenny



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Posted 20 March 2018 - 21:13

I feel op, same reason I quit more or less, this company don't care for new players, they care for their existing player base, wich is slowly but very very surely decreasing.

That's not necessarily true.  It's a matter of (imo) misplaced priorities.... But whatever is lacking, it is universal, and pertains to both new and veteran players......

Just one old lady's opinion




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#18 kitobas



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Posted 22 March 2018 - 07:50

Let me start off with that I returned to FS after quite a few years of absence. From back then I had some upgrades already done to my character so I didn’t start completely fresh (which must be even worse).
So it all started right of the bat when I decided to get back into the game. During each and every hunt there are always someone just waiting to take a good chunk of all the money you just made before selling it on the FSP market (and with the high lvl gloat that exists today it will result in a very good chunk). Since you don’t make any FSP you can’t upgrade your character, ever. Sure there are some preventative buffs, but what do they matter when there are even higher level counters to the counters (yes I’m talking about the anti deflect potion). And with all these new potions there are literally no chance of winning in a fight when you are at composing lvl 15 (took 6 months to get there and still got nothing useful to make).
I don’t particularly like PvP but can deal with it if there are some measures to take against it. All you can do today if you get attacked is put up a bounty, which someone will clear with 10 stamina attacks (cuz why would anyone waste more stamina than they need to, right?). So basically all that result in is me spending more money so my attacker can lose as much exp that I lost in the first place (I know, I know, they will lose some more, but barely). And when it really comes down to it what does a PvPer care for exp anyway. As it stands you have all to gain (lots of gold) from doing PvP while nothing to lose (small amount of exp?).
And then there is this last little bit of annoyance that made me do this inspiring post in the first place. A couple of days ago I had some money on hand to try and buy a FSP(300k or so) when in regular order someone attacks and steal most of it. I post a bounty on him and logs of. Next time I check my log this is what greets me:
10:32 13/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
08:43 13/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
07:25 13/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
03:22 13/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
01:15 13/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
20:42 12/Mar/2018                    You were attacked by , but you deflected the attack.
15:07 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
11:39 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
10:24 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
09:15 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
08:15 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
07:14 12/Mar/2018                    You were defeated by in combat. [ View Combat ]
At this time I don’t even have any money on me it’s just for the heck of it I guess (were they all 100 stamina attacks, ofc cuz why not?). Sure I could post bountys off all the attacks but all that does is hurt me more than him (quick calculation of the bounty cost: 12 bountys * (10*2000 ticket price/bounty + 102000 minimum bounty reward) = 1,5M), so why bother.
Conclusion: Does this motivate me to play FS? Sure don’t. Is it fun getting your hard earned cash taken time and time again? Nope. Would I ever recommend someone to start play FS. Never. Atm this is a game for the players that have played it for a long time and no amount of app development will ever change that.
And with this I’m done with my whining. I’m not going to leave any suggestions that would solve anything of the mentioned above, mostly cuz I have no idea how to fix most of it or if it’s even possible.

sorry for hearing this but if it was old pvp system that was original pvp system then you not having this problem

but because of players who hating pvp changes was done


now if you looking at pvpers we having now you finding it is levelers who wanting lose levels for getting more gold and gxp when they leveling again


many times players you finding on bounty board are levelers who wanting losing levels, those people who hating pvp in past and wanting changes later after pvp changes turning to pvpers


before someone saying levelers not needing lose levels for getting gxp then you not full understanding because if losing levels too they getting many gxp and gold too


I now again in level range where I am forcing not doing all pvp daily quests because not having active targets in attacking range


here is photo, I level 3187 and am forcing for not doing all pvp daily quests again, this very sad


we having 3600 levels of eoc but only attacking range of 10 levels, that not normal


you right that game has becoming for players who playing very long time and better are eoc, for eoc attacking range of 10 levels is no problem, they having more than 100 targets but very sad for rest of us who not eoc and having no targets

#19 EpicPiety



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Posted 22 March 2018 - 14:46

A better tutorial will be great for new players. Right now the tutorial doesn't teach much.

#20 BadPenny



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Posted 22 March 2018 - 20:57

A better tutorial will be great for new players. Right now the tutorial doesn't teach much.

Indeed.  And it should direct them to the first Epic Quest, since that questline actually teaches more than the tutorial....

Just one old lady's opinion




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