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Member Since 26 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2014 21:29

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In Topic: Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

26 March 2014 - 21:32

PVP hits should be expanded to include more levels, or anyone should be able to hit anyone.


Bounties should have a level restriction, so you can retaliate against all hitters.


Counter bounties should have a level restriction, so anyone hitting can hit back and counter bounty.


Keep the hits coming.


taking a bounty should not cost tickets, placing a bounty should continue to cost tickets.

In Topic: Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

26 March 2014 - 20:55

I agree that ladder hits should NOT be able to be bountied.


I DO NOT believe bounty hunters should be bountied for taking bounties.  BUT a character should be able to put a 'HIT' out on a bounty hunter.


So you can create another part of the game.


Reason:  bounty hunters feel they must placate to bounty targets because the ability to bounty a bounty hunters is a bargaining chip for the person on the board!


Perhaps have only players within a set level range able to accept the 'HIT' so that a bounty hunter can retaliate?


All I'm saying is...a person on the bounty board shouldn't have a bargaining chip against the Bounty Hunter, however a bounty hunter should still not be able to attack with impunity...


If you don't like the placing a hit idea...then have level restrictions on who can take a bounty...that way if you are bountied and feel wronged by the bounty hunter you aren't helpless to act personally?


Something needs to be done, pvp ladder attacks not being bountied is a good start...also PVP ladder tokens need to be used for more stuff or destroyed for gold?






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