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Uncle Beg

Member Since 21 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 30 2017 18:12

#980920 Live PvP, GvG, and Arena

Posted by Uncle Beg on 16 May 2017 - 02:04

Please consider introducing Live PvP, GvG, and Arena.

In these Live Events, participants can join freely.


Live Events will be based on:

1. Level range

2. Limit to 1 or 2 hours

3. Everything plays (buffs, potions, gears, and so on)



Here are my thoughts:

For Live PvP:

* A list of events will be presented with requirements, such as level range, time, prize (PvP token), and entree fees.

* Participants click to join the event (each participant can only join 1 event at a time).

* Each victory = +1 point.

* Each defeat = -1 point.

* Draw = 0 point.

* 10 seconds cool down between attacks on the SAME target.

* Included: Stamina usage; Gears' repair cost

* Optional based on requirements of each event: XP loss; Gold loss



For Live GvG:

* If a guild decides to participate, a list of members must be selected

* Each member has a GvG Rating based on his/her level range (Level 1-99 = 1 GvG Rating, 100 - 199 = 2, so on)

* Participants click to join the event (each participant can only join 1 event at a time).

* Each victory = + target's X GvG Rating. If a 1 GvG Rating wins against a 4 GvG Rating, then the victor gets 4 GvG Rating. If a 4 GvG Rating wins against a 1 GvG Rating, then victor gets 1 GvG Rating.

* Each defeat = - your X GvG Rating.

* Draw = 0 point.

* 10 seconds cool down between attacks on the SAME target.

* First to reach the total required points win




Live PvP Event #100 requirements:

* Prize: Top 50% participants get PvP Tokens

* Level 500 - 699

* Duration:  2017-05-01 11:00 to 13:00 (no entry after 11:00)

* Entry Fees: 100,000 gold

* XP Loss [on]

* Gold Loss [on]


Live PvP Event #101 requirements are:

* Prize: Top 50% participants get PvP Tokens

* Level 500 - 699

* Duration:  2017-05-01 11:00 to 13:00 (no entry after 11:00)

* Entry Fees: 100,000 gold

* XP Loss [off]

* Gold Loss [off]


People can join any events they want.


After a month, data can be analyzed to see what type of events people would prefer.


I think this will bring a lot of excitement and activity back to FS.

#980658 Suggestion - Player's Composing Level on Bio

Posted by Uncle Beg on 09 May 2017 - 00:16

Don't do it yet.

I have 59 more levels to go, wait for me to catch up.

#980058 Shadow Bunny Assault!

Posted by Uncle Beg on 24 April 2017 - 12:55

Your Contribution: 11037 kills

I am glad to know now, that I don't ever have a chance to acquire the top ten list. I am also happy to know that from now on. Anytime I can get to the library. When there is an event going on. That I can now manipulate the old map, to at least level faster


cucullainn, if you research and do it properly, you can get between 90,000 - 110,000 kills with 12,000 stamina.

#980056 Shadow Bunny Assault!

Posted by Uncle Beg on 24 April 2017 - 12:26

Congrats everyone in the Top 100 list.

Especial vikinbunny for doing it with 25k max stamina.

And siddy246 for representing lower level.

#979989 408 Request Time-out

Posted by Uncle Beg on 21 April 2017 - 15:10

Yes, refreshing the page did fix it.

#979968 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Uncle Beg on 21 April 2017 - 07:45

I'm curious about these over powered potions.

Would someone power up and let me try to hit you?

I'm at EOC and looking for something to entertain myself.

If it's truly make you invincible, then I'll change my name to beg2win :)

#979910 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Uncle Beg on 20 April 2017 - 10:37

Ladyj, to answer your scenario about gvg, if I really seriously want to win and I don't have the potions, I would use SB and SL to attack the targets until their powerful buffs are gone.


Think of it another way, if the guild is willing to use those powerful and expensive buffs, then they deserve the victory by trying to make it difficult for defenders to hit back.


My mentality is different when it comes to competing.  If my attacker/target is strong, I don't ask them to be weaker.  I would find ways to be stronger or find their weaknesses.

#979899 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Uncle Beg on 20 April 2017 - 05:22

Just to remind everyone that there is a BALANCER in the game already.

It's called TIME.

Eventually, those potions / buffs will expire.


I have been playing FS actively for 8+ years.

I have never seen a player/target who is unbeatable.


Even hoofmaster got defeated when SH and CoA were not in the game.

#978934 Item Breakdown DQ

Posted by Uncle Beg on 05 April 2017 - 23:30

Are you suggesting he unclick: Hide Fragment Stash Logs

Then next time count them?



You've misinterpreted my suggestion.

During his last hunt, assuming he didn't turn on Hide Fragment Stash Logs, he can check his log.


If he did have it on, then it's more difficult to troubleshoot.


As from my experience, I didn't have the same issue.

#978774 Administering the Composing Template

Posted by Uncle Beg on 01 April 2017 - 22:16

Hello HCS,



  1. To create a new Composing Template, one must add skills then create potion + save template.
  2. To modify a saved template, such as renaming a template or adding/removing a skill ... not available
  3. To create a new template without creating the potion ... not available



Please considered add a feature #2 and #3.



Uncle Beg

#978588 Scavenging is broken?

Posted by Uncle Beg on 30 March 2017 - 02:25

Thanks Hoof and Grim for addressing my concern.


Appreciate it.

#977557 FS Offline 2017-03-04

Posted by Uncle Beg on 04 March 2017 - 02:53

The compensation is to let everyone play FS for FREE

#977396 Titan's drop - Gloves

Posted by Uncle Beg on 03 March 2017 - 15:02

Currently, there are 3 gloves drops from Titan:

  1. Echiphons Scale Gauntlets - Level 450
  2. Mashing Mallow Mitts - Level 300
  3. Ogaliths Fiery Grasp - Level 100


A few gloves in the 1000 - 3000 level range would be nice.

#977354 FS Offline 2017-03-02

Posted by Uncle Beg on 02 March 2017 - 20:12

It seems to crash when I'm hunting titans.  Should I use less damage?

#974332 New leveling Realms!

Posted by Uncle Beg on 22 December 2016 - 23:25

Here are the 4 champions I've encountered during my hunt at these levels:






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