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Member Since 26 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 23 2015 19:41

#946691 PvP Ladder: Improvements

Posted by DALECK on 25 August 2015 - 19:09

What is the purpose of bounty tickets? Other then for the tickets to not be there when I'm ready to accept a bounty and for it to cost me time on the bounty to have to stop, buy more, then be able to accept it?

Gold sink ?  At least they can still be bought with gold, and not just fsp's.

#946673 PvP Ladder Rewards - what would you like to see?

Posted by DALECK on 25 August 2015 - 16:38

Is every new potion or buff going to be immune to spell breaker and or spell leach ?  That's a bit much don't you think ?  What's next a new epic spell breaker or spell leach potion that will work against the new epic potions that are immune ?  Let's not get carried away with protecting buffs and potions from sl / sb, that is just like adding a huge win button.

#946587 PvP Ladder/ Bounty Board Improvement Ideas

Posted by DALECK on 24 August 2015 - 22:52

Hoof, not sure if I saw this mentioned in this thread or not, but I feel that bounties should not expire.  That was the way it originally was, and that was also how it was with the season / bounty board changes that were reversed, however, I have always thought that bounties should never expire.  I know that some will say that if I can hold off the bounty hunters for 47 hours then I deserve to have it expire, however, letting bounties expire seems to not be in the spirit or intent of punishing an offender, if you get posted you should stay on the board until someone decides to clear you.  

#946584 Attack Player (PvP) Page Works Worse Then Before - Bounty Hunting Still Has P...

Posted by DALECK on 24 August 2015 - 22:43

Hoof, since the bb is a place for punishment, and conserve was never meant to activate on bounties and save hunters stam, nor offer softer clears I don't understand why you are keeping it now ?  Yes, I understand that it has been that way for 8 years, but it was that way erroneously and it clearly serves to save offenders who are on the bb exp, doesn't quite seem fair to those that posted the bounties does it?


For example, someone clearing a friends bounty with say conserve 500 and reckoning active at the same time would have better than a 40% chance to cause no damage to the target, doesn't seem to keep to the spirit or purpose of the bounty board.

#946582 PvP Ladder/ Bounty Board Improvement Ideas

Posted by DALECK on 24 August 2015 - 22:34

Looked at my ladder today, 5 people are opted in, and they are all from the same guild, same as the last ladder, since they all finish with the same score, does that mean they all get a dominance tick and all get the top token rewards ?  This is why I, as well as many others, feel that the ladders need to be opened up so that guild mates can compete against each other, otherwise they have no one to hit, and I am assuming all are sharing the ticks and prizes equally.  Please note, I am not blaming the players opted in for this situation, nor do I think that they are trying to game the system or that there is any form of agreements or collusion between them, I know most of them, and they wouldn't do that.  My point is simply that the player base for the ladders is small, and therefore I feel that guild mates should be able to hit each other.  

#946298 PvP Ladder/ Bounty Board Improvement Ideas

Posted by DALECK on 22 August 2015 - 16:15

I am not trying to dismiss anyone or shut then up, simply levellers don't know the mechanics of PvP, the ins and outs, etc...There is a lot in PvP more than just getting smashed, getting attacked a lot doesn't make you know PvP so that you can change it, again not tryibg to shut up anyone but you again you can't improve something that you don't understand, you get my point here ?

My point is how do you know what someone else knows ?  What qualifies you as an expert, what qualifies you to be the decider on pvp ?  As for understanding the mechanics of pvp, well there was a time when it took skill, effort, and for lack of a better word, knowledge to be an effective pvper, but with the addition of so many overpowered, as well as luck, buffs and potions, those days are long gone.  However, the base mechanics of pvp, or pve, are still the same, my stats > than target stats, same as my stats > creature stats, those are the mechanics of the entire game.


Most players have some experience in every part of the game, some more than others, but that doesn't invalidate anyone's opinions, you never know where a brilliant game saving idea may come from, or who may make it.  And isn't that the point here, looking for new ideas to help improve fs ?  No one part of the game is totally insulated from the rest, we all use the same gear, same buffs, same stam, etc, and as such, I think that everyone should be able to offer ideas and input, even in an aspect of the game that they may not participate in often or fully.  Pvp does affect everyone in one way or another, and as such, everyone's opinions are valid, not just those who want to declare themselves pvpers.

#946271 PvP Ladder/ Bounty Board Improvement Ideas

Posted by DALECK on 22 August 2015 - 05:59

if you have anything more to do with BB, for example getting smashed on it then its sure because you took part in PvP so you have a reason to get smashed, I also see that if you lose 5 on board its not a reason why BB should be changed, BB is made so you should lose 5, if you lose less then thank God, do you have any other issues with the current PvP system as a lvler ?

Clock, the BB wasn't made to take 5 from other players.  It was created, and exists so that attackers can be penalized by the targets.  However, it wasn't originally set up the way that it is now, and it most definitely wasn't designed, nor coded, for players to lose 5.  


I have plenty of issues with the current pvp system, as well as the currently sad state of pvp in fs.  I have offered input and ideas in multiple threads recently to help improve fs as a whole.  I feel that the entire community should be encouraged to share their ideas on improving fs, not just pvp, or gvg, th, areana, etc etc etc.  Segregating players into one group or another only serves to alienate everyone and up to this point just seems to tear fs further apart.  I am sorry that you feel entitled to decide whose opinions should be valid and whose should not based on how you see others, the game, and your place in it.  
However, if fs is to be improved, and saved, dismissing others that you don't agree with isn't the way to go about it.  

#945443 Game Update v2.83

Posted by DALECK on 18 August 2015 - 19:26

Hoof, I don't think that I have seen a single bounty posted since the update earlier today, and that's a sad thing.  Perhaps you could incorporate the auto bounty system with the current ability to manually post bounties.  Sure it is kind of like double jeopardy, but it should in theory increase bounty board activity.  Perhaps all ladder attacks should be subject to the auto bounty system, while normal pvp attacks can be manually bountied ?  I disagree on some other's suggestions that ladder attacks should be open to manually posted bounties, that seems like it will be too open to abuse by unscrupulous players and guilds.  If you opt into the ladder, there should be no reason to post a bounty for a ladder hit, that is just cowardice, and or intimidation or unwarranted abuse by players and guilds, and has no place in the ladder.  Auto bounties on the other hand, seem totally fair and understandable in my opinion.  


Also, the new bands for the ladder seem a bit large, a 500 level spread is a lot don't you think ?  It is very hard to beat someone that has gear 500 levels above you, no matter how good a pvper you are.  Perhaps limit the bands to 250 levels or so ?  Yes, I realize that there is decreased participation from the seasons, and yes the old ladder system is flawed, and yes there are few targets in many of the bands, but a 500 level spread still seems to be too big in my opinion.  


Perhaps it would be advantageous to allow guild members to hit each other on the ladder again ?  I looked at my ladder, I think that there were 6 participants, three of whom were all from the same guild.  Given the decreased numbers of participants, adding the ability to hit guild mates would seem to make sense.  Yes, I know that might open the door to collusion, but we have all seen ladder agreements without guild mates being able to hit each other, and I am sure that we will see them again regardless of allowing guild mates to compete against each other in the ladders.  


Lastly, I have never understood why you should get smasher ticks for ladder hits, and not get them for 100 stam gold hits or just any old 100 stam hits ?  100 stamming someone for gold or whatever, is smashing to me, 100 stamming someone on the ladder seems like it is just part of ladders, and not actually smashing someone ?


You asked for constructive criticism and ideas that we, the community, think might improve the game and game play, well those are mine for now.  Thanks. :)  

#943687 PvP Seasons rewards (What did you get?)

Posted by DALECK on 07 August 2015 - 03:55

Thanks for the chart, looks like it is worthwhile to compete in a few seasons

#941799 PvP Seasons Rewards. Thoughts and desires please.

Posted by DALECK on 28 July 2015 - 13:55

Hoof and BigGrim, while I think that inventing gear can be good, I don't think that requiring the old ladder tokens in the recipes is a good idea, lots of people dumped them when you said that they were going to be totally worthless shortly, and others, like myself, never had any to begin with.  And I honestly think that the invented items should be bound, you should only get this new gear, if that is what ends up being a prize, by having competed in, and winning, seasons.  If the gear is too good, and not bound, it will just encourage collusion, and those with the biggest stam banks, most likely eoc's, will dominate the winners list.   

#941641 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by DALECK on 27 July 2015 - 19:08

all i know is if the rewards arent worth the cost in stam buffs and lost lvls - this pvp league is gonna be an epic failure - i really hope this does not happen

It would be nice if the cows would tell us what the rewards are going to be, seems a bit foolish to have implemented the new pvp updates and seasons without having though of the prizes beforehand.  


Also, it would be nice to see some cow feedback on the issues being brought up by the community here in the forums.  They ask for input, and then give us no feedback, which after a while leaves people feeling upset that their questions and concerns are not being addressed by the devs.  

#941112 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by DALECK on 24 July 2015 - 19:16

Hoof and Grimm, could you please tell us what kinds of rewards you are considering for the new system ?  I have decided to sit back in stam gear and let all of my rating be farmed away until the last few hours when I will buff up and blitzkrieg everyone else after they have all used up their stam banks, global and composed pots and patience.  I don't see why everyone is hitting so often now, burning up their stam and pots when it is clear the best strategy will be the blitzkrieg for the last 6 hours ?

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