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Member Since 24 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2014 06:02

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In Topic: Halloween Event Not Plausible

03 November 2014 - 10:27

Increasing personal kills to qualify for ruby tier will be the only way to "encourage" players of all play style to help community achieve Overall Ruby tier.


12,000-15,000 kills should do it.


ZB farmers will risk not getting ruby chest if they have farmed full bp of ZB( Provided they are specificly killing off Halloween Reve only without GB. which will require them 6000 kills to reach 12,000 ) and stop killing before selling off the ZB that is with them.


Same with Titian Hunters. ( Secure 50.1% of titian kills, rest/recover till next Titian Spawn Or hunt with whatever leftover of stam they have to try and reach 12,000 - 15,000 kills. Cant reach Personal Ruby tier while community does? Lose the Ruby themselves. )


Levellers will just have to choose between Potential Ruby Chest reward or couple of level to rise up.



OT: only got 75k+ kills :(

In Topic: Open letter to the Cows

30 July 2014 - 04:16

well i was just back to FS recently so i dont know much of the "NO" changes becoming "YES"


If HCS wants more profit they could increase limit of stam gain , or even better implement a tier system. For every 500 level gained multiple 0.5 of the base stam gain ( Does not include guild/epics/upgrades/Epic quest ).


Thus at level 500 with base stam gain = 50. 

Eg. 50 x 0.5 = 25


So after reaching level 500 a player would have 75 base stam gain per hour.

at the current EOC level 2000 a player would have 150 stam gain per hour.

With guild/upgrade/epic quest/starter pack, a level 500 player would have 121 stam gain/hr

And a EOC player would have 196 stam gain/hr



This would hopefully help motivate players to level and reach higher content, which could also potentially boost PvP activity.


Although i highly doubt it will happen...


Another scenario could be again a tier system based on stam gain upgrades.

At level 500( Tier 1 ) , with 25/25 staim gain upgrade. A bonus 5 stam gain would be awarded.

So with 25/25 stam gain upgrade at level 500 would mean that you get 30 stam gain from the upgrade instead.

Meaning a max of 119 stam gain/hr for a level 500 player with Base(+50), Guild(+15/hr), FSP upgrade(+30/hr), Epic quest(+6/hr) and finally Wearing Epics of +2( +18/hr).


IF EOC player wears epics +2. They will get 134/hr.


Little increase in stam gain but overall reduce stam recharging time, Reward Customer for Spending and Playing the game, Still keeping it close and competitive.

In Topic: Open letter to the Cows

29 July 2014 - 13:37

I know I am going to get hammered on this, maybe from the cows and the other EOCers.  I am going to type it anyways.


Starting STAMINA GAIN  needs upped  +15 or so an hour.   The average player says with so many free games that they can play all day,  not wait half a day or more for stamina to build. Why play FS plain and simple?   New players it will take a few years for most even if +15 was implemented  to get any where close to EOC.  This would up the amount of online players and might just make it more tempting to play.

i would love it! Gets to play the game more often...


BUT *sigh*



*sticky for a reason*

In Topic: Arena can actully bring in more gold now instead of being as gold sink?

16 July 2014 - 13:44

1st place = 16 , 2nd = 8 , 3rd = 4.

Total is only 24 token? even if 1 token = 4k gold which will bring 96k total ( IF anyone actually swaps token for GOLD)

Still is a gold sink for most who is willing to venture into arena.


Also little people actually swaps token for gold. Not sure how it is now since prices havent been fixed. But surely most will spend on potions/Material or epq.

In Topic: Donation containers

04 July 2014 - 05:03

Thank you!

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