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Legendary Event!

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#1 Zue


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Posted 14 May 2021 - 14:33

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Aughisky (Legendary)
The Ech Ooshkya are a race of evil creatures that dwell in swamps and lakes. They are able to change shape to appear human in order to lure their prey to their death, only transforming into the terrifying water horses they are when it's to late. Aughisky is one of the most powerful of its kind and its hunger for human flesh has caused it to wander far from its home lake of Achdoo in the search of fresh prey...
Recommended Level : 20+
Tamarath the Enchantress (Legendary)
Tamarath the Enchantress is an ambitious Elvish magic wielder who has been empowered by her devotion to the Shadowlord. She has emerged from hiding to assist Burzzthak in laying waste to the area and attacking the Cathedral of the Ways. She must be stopped. Will you stand in her way?
Recommended Level : 90+
King Au Xenah (Legendary)
King Au Xenah is a cruel and evil king with a lust for gold. He treated his people with contempt letting them starve outside his castle while he got richer. The peasants eventually sought help from a local wizard who cursed Au Xenah transforming him and trapping him in his castle for 100 years. Now the curse has worn off and King Au Xenah has gone mad and is out on the rampage...
Recommended Level : 150+
Rangdar the Demon Queen (Legendary)
Rangdar was once a powerful queen in the lands of Falagi. She secretly worshipped forbidden gods of death and destruction, gaining great power from them. Her court discovered her secret and tried to kill her. Mortally wounded, she managed to escape into hidden caves where she was granted Demonhood for her faith in the dark gods whom she served. In her new Demon form Rangdar has become a great and powerful evil that wishes to enslave all mankind.
Recommended Level : 325+
Argus (Legendary)
Argus is the avatar of vengeance that the evil wizard Xinderoth unleashed as a curse upon the world with his dying breath. Argus is a multi eyed giant hell bent on destroying all in the name of his fallen lord and must be stopped...
Recommended Level : 400+
Fallen Anteros (Legendary)
Anteros was once a creature who would fly around, spreading Love and Goodwill. However, with the coming of the vile Burzzthak, he too has been corrupted. Now, with his newly barbed arrows, he is spreading Hate and Mistrust everywhere he flies! Do you have the Fortitude to stop this twisted innocent?
Recommended Level : 590+
Ramiel Thunder of Gods (Legendary)
Ramiel, Thunder of Gods has become disgusted with mankind, judging that the race has become too complacent and sinful, turning their faces away from the glory of the Gods. He has thusly taken it upon himself to rain down thunder on the Realms and wipe humanity from the face of Erildath!
Designed by : purebreed
Recommended Level : 790+
Adi the Mad Dentist (Legendary)
A gut churning buzzing sound is the herald of Adi the Mad Dentist. So tired was he of the citizens of the Realm lack of oral hygiene, he finally snapped (with the not so gentle encouragement of Burzzthak the Corrupter) and is rampaging through the Realms with his frighteningly oversized drill, checking the teeth of citizens. Woe betide anyone who does not measure up to his unreasonable standards!
Designed by : adienamar
Recommended Level : 1150+
Cucu Cyanide Hero (Legendary)
A former bardic troupe leader who poisons his victims with tormenting sounds from his supernatural lute, while shielding himself with his long hair. His disposable guise (long hair, hide jacket and fake lute) makes him untraceable. However, he must be found and stopped... who will put an end to his torturous sounds?
Designed by : cucubaubau
Recommended Level : 1350+
Frackenstein (Legendary)
Frackenstein. No one knows where this beast came from. Some speculate that this was created by an infamous Guild of warriors, though whether this lumbering, undead monstrosity was created from this Guild's enemies or their own honored dead is up for debate.
Designed by : skidoodle
Recommended Level : 1780+
Angel of Sensation (Legendary)
Early in its existence, the Angel of Sensation was an empathic being, helping those in great physical or emotional pain. Over time, the Angel found that it needed to help more and more to feel anything itself. Eventually, the Angel started causing this pain in unsuspecting victims simply so it could come and 'help' them heal, when it was, in fact, feeding off it's victims pain and misery. This need has now grown to monstrous proportions, with more and more victims needed to sate it's horrifying appetites.
Designed by : IordGod
Recommended Level : 2001+
Abominus Rex (Legendary)
The gargantuan horror known as Abominus Rex appeared without warning, tearing through any who appeared before it. Who created this undead monstrosity is not known (and given the unpredictable nature of Abominus Rex itself, likely never will be), all that is known is the beast's unnatural vitality means it shrugs off many wounds and is all but immune to certain attacks. It's thick hide protects it and any attacks that get through are as likely to glance off hardened bone as they are to do damage. 
Abominus Rex must be stopped!
Recommended Level : 2400+
Byaphros (Legendary)
Byaphros is a strange beast. The upper body of a man with a truly monstrous face which, from the waist down is actually the front legs and chest of a horse terminating in a vast, powerful fish's tail. This is a vile and malicious creature who will rear out of water near prey and to the surprise of all, will chase his target onto the land before beating them and dragging them back into the soon to be bloody surf!
Recommended Level : 2880+
The Cerulean Queen (Legendary)
The Cerulean Queen is a demonic creature, always lurking behind every choice made by the souls wandering the lands of Erildath. She is always trying to influence the bravest of heroes to succumb to their deepest desires. She has been known to walk the lands, tempting warriors to give into their blood lust with the promise of great rewards. Little do they realize, her rewards are best used for their guilty pleasures.
Designed by : KitiaraLi
Recommended Level : 3025+
Prince Tyler (Legendary)
Tyler is the son of Emperor Sidd and Empress Tinny, born after the Emperor left to join the Shadow Lord. Tyler was brought up solely by his mother who instilled her values of peaceful and anti-aggressive behaviour. However, he saw his Mother's slide to darkness thanks to the corruption of the Emperor. He set out to stop this and confronted his Father, who deceived him into accepting his signet. Upon touching the signet, the Prince joined his Father in Darkness.
Designed by : siddy246
Recommended Level : 3600+
These creatures shall be available until 14:00 on Monday the 17th of May 2021.
~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#2 hades8840



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Posted 14 May 2021 - 18:56

Here I was hoping the host etc would be out

#3 Pardoux



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Posted 14 May 2021 - 20:44

Here I was hoping the host etc would be out


.. or something new. Frag collection here I come

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#4 Corrupted



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Posted 14 May 2021 - 20:54

A very nice weekend to regen stam, this.

Edited by Corrupted, 14 May 2021 - 20:54.

#5 hades8840



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Posted 14 May 2021 - 21:14

.. or something new. Frag collection here I come

Problem with anything new is that within a hr its 1 fsp per item no incentive to farm and if its for frags then anything does all the same when broken down miss the days when Find item didnt work on events lol 

#6 EpicPiety



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Posted 14 May 2021 - 21:40

Problem with anything new is that within a hr its 1 fsp per item no incentive to farm and if its for frags then anything does all the same when broken down miss the days when Find item didnt work on events lol

I've been preaching for awhile AM shouldn't work and LE should spawn more sparsely

#7 Pardoux



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Posted 14 May 2021 - 22:00

Problem with anything new is that within a hr its 1 fsp per item no incentive to farm and if its for frags then anything does all the same when broken down miss the days when Find item didnt work on events lol 


Not if it's an inventable set, using very rare items, as has been intimated for months ... 

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

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