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Member Since 16 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 27 2015 03:04

#919389 How to easily increase PvP activity..

Posted by Ikkaru on 13 February 2015 - 06:22

I am not going to qoute everything because I don't care enough to do so but a few thoughts on things I saw.


Gold hitting is stealing. Stealing is bad. You go to jail in real life for doing such a thing. In other time periods they cut off an arm. Gold stealing carrying a 5 lvl punishment is just. 


PvP prestige hits should come with a penalty. You are attacking others to try and benefit yourself. If you remove XP loss, the 10% gain should just be permantly added to everyone. No reason to hit people if neither players are losing and only gaining.


There is already a PvP system in this game in which no xp loss occurs, the arena. If you want a no xp loss pvp system, suggest ways to improve the arena.


XP loss is not the reason the game is inactive. XP loss is not why people do not join the ladder. All the issues with inactivity in the game rest solely on the developmental staff. No one plays the ladder because the rewards are the same worthless crap for years. It has mostly all been replaced with all these other OP sets they have released since. Why risk the chance of being set back in the game when the prize isn't worth the BP slots it fills? If they put real effort into anything besides EOC content, all other areas of the game would increase in activity.

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