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Fight the supression!! UNDEAD PRIDE!!!!!!

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#1 gothador_toulip

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Posted 18 April 2005 - 20:09

*Xanthor bursts into the great gathering hall of gothador, his eyes full of fire and determination as he steps up the nearist table and clears his throat to gain the attention of the croud*

My undead breathren, for hundreds of years we have been supressed.... mocked... and belittled.... made to feel like we have to fit in to a catagory of undead sterotypes that do not equally represent our people. This.... is an outrage!!

We are made to seem like nothing more then decomposeing lumps of mindless flesh that occasionaly grunt and utter out the word "Brainssss." This however, is not typical of the inteligent undead community, and will no longer be accepted.

I am here to rally us, the pure, the supream... to revolt agenst this unjust world useing the olny means that our less...... fit enemys can understand.... violence.

We must stand together to fight our opressors... DOWN WITH THE LIVEING MAN!!! DOWN WITH ALL WHO DO NOT SHARE UNDEAD BLOOD!!! (Demons and vampires are of course given immuniuty)

#2 Songwoven



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Posted 18 April 2005 - 20:16

*Saunters in and leans against the doorway, nonchalantly cleaning her nails with her blade*
*In a throaty voice*
Now now Xanthor, I don't think you want to be starting trouble you'll never be able to finish :twisted:
Know this! All those who join in Xanthor's cause are joining a fool and you Will be destroyed by those of us who find his cause... amusing :wink: The undead and the sidhe Can live in peace- save for when those of his ilk attempt to cause trouble. Think carefully before choosing a side.
That is all.
*Walks back out*

#3 gothador_toulip

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Posted 18 April 2005 - 20:22

Listen not to the wench, what do elves know of the world? They are to distracted by there need to eat, drink and....procreate....

We have evolved past all that...it is time for us to step from the shadows and make our move!!

#4 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 18 April 2005 - 20:31

*Chaotix flies overhead with his Fairy Dragon which lands. He throws water onto Xanthor*

Oh I apologize, you're all wet, well let me fix that.

*Signals to his dragon, which sticks its head in the door and promptly sets fire to Xanthor's table in which he is standing on*

I apologize greatest of undead warriors.

Now let's never again call a pretty dark elf like Songwoven a wench shall we?

*He hops back onto his dragon and flies off*

#5 mamori



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Posted 18 April 2005 - 21:24

you reanimated abominations have been put down once before, and with quite ease. so let us see who will win out, the undead or the immortals.

#6 gothador_castamir

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Posted 18 April 2005 - 23:00

*Castamir very nearly drops the glass of fine wine he's been using to drink a toast to one of the serving maids, and raises an eyebrow as he rolls his eyes and mutters, to no-one in particular but loud enough for all to hear..*

"Oh look. The undead are revolting. How humerously fitting."

*On the mention of the typical elven vices however, he winks at the serving wench and offers to show her his collection of bodyparts..*

#7 gothador_ghosten

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 00:18

ooc: In most RPGs the undead are immune to fire, simply because they either have no flesh and organs to have burnt, or said flesh and organs are just already dead meat hanging to bone lol

#8 Songwoven



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 00:26

sets fire to Xanthor's table

(ooc: well, he did only set fire to the table i think that's allowed lol)

#9 Kayla



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 07:13

Let's not be stereo-typical about undead, after all, Reg Shoe is a copper thru and thru and even though he's dead, he's alright and he only walks with a slight lurch. Let's not forget Otto either, he's a black ribboner!

(Note for those who have no idea what I'm talking about, you haven't been keeping up with your Terry Prachett books have you...)

#10 gothador_shiva

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 08:18

You wish war with the unseelie sidhe? We can live in peace.

#11 gothador_toulip

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 10:09

*Chaotix flies overhead with his Fairy Dragon which lands. He throws water onto Xanthor*

Oh I apologize, you're all wet, well let me fix that.

*Signals to his dragon, which sticks its head in the door and promptly sets fire to Xanthor's table in which he is standing on*

I apologize greatest of undead warriors.

Now let's never again call a pretty dark elf like Songwoven a wench shall we?

*He hops back onto his dragon and flies off*

Xanthor stands and watches the antics of the little pest Chaotix. Laughing, seeming unphased by the fire as he lifts his hand then letting it fall to the ground, the fire cooling to smokeing embers at his command.

Xanthor never fit into the sterotypes of the undead that he despised so much, his body was not rotting... well... mostly. Removeing a white armlength glove from his hand he exposes his rotted, black hand. Throwing the glove to his feet he raises his arm.
He begins chanting a spell in the drow tongue as what seems to be the essence of his death rises from his hand in a ball of swirling gasses, then shooting from his palm... swirling around the dragons head. The health of the fairy dragon seems to be slowly leached from him as he flies further in the direction of the dark forest.

"I'll get you boy... and your little dog too..."

#12 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 14:22

As Chaotix flies towards the forest his dragon's health slowly declines. He eases the dragon into a large field.*

As the dragon seems to be in pain he slowly strokes her head soothing it with his words "Shhh Tiamat, it will be okay, you've done well enough". Her breathing is labored and ragged

He slowly chants a spell in drow tongue and his hands glow with a warm white light that infuses itself into the dragon's body.

"No respect for living things," he murmurs to himself. The dragon slowly lays down to rest as her breathing slows and she drifts to sleep and Chaotix produces and elven blanket from a pack on the dragon's back.

He lays down next to his dragon and opens a small satchel on his hip and produces Xanthor's nose which is playfully throws into the ear.

"What say we go for a toe next time, eh Tiamat," he says, "A pity he doesn't have any parts of me yet."

#13 gothador_dafadil

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 15:43

i walk in with the rest of my cult in tow, yes all of them including the elfs that have learned a new way, that lead to pure and true eternal life.

those of you undead that chose not to follow here, with my kins man, but chose to stand with the living in their little worlds were they mock you and degrade you, know we shall never a hand against you raise... demons and vampires your peace also we seek, thus we will like wise not harm. you may kill us a thousand times but we will rise from the grave over and over.

Xanthor, his call is my call. ... walk away from those that would opress you, join us here in this undead legion... and remember the living hate and envy you.

#14 Songwoven



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 17:55

Hatred? Envy? You only have spoken these words. We have no hatred for your kind, save only those who unjustly speak words of war against us. You do more harm to your kind by your foolish provocations than by allowing peace to continue.

#15 FrankNStien



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 18:11

ooc: In most RPGs the undead are immune to fire, simply because they either have no flesh and organs to have burnt, or said flesh and organs are just already dead meat hanging to bone lol

ooc: AD&D fire does double damage to undead.

Undead are immune to Cold ( no flesh to freeze ), Lightning ( no muscules to contract or convulse ), Death magic ( obvious ), Paralyzation ( no muscles to hold ), Petrification ( same ).

slashing weapons do half damage, spearing weapons do 1/4 damage, blunt weapons do double damage.

this applies to all undead of course.

intelligent undead such as Lich's, vampires, death knights et al.. have more resistances, of course.

#16 FrankNStien



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 18:26

Mellifleur floats into the tavern, no legs to carry his fleshless corpse as they have withered away ages ago... Skeletal hands float apart from his robe , seeming bound to his body by magicks unknown to the petty mortals and angels of one ilk or another that frequent this establishment..

lower jaw gone from years of decay , dust and the occasional maggot fall from within his skull, violet hues of light eminate from within his skull...

Ash and flayed skin swirl about his radius, a cold aura surrounds him, all who come within 30 feet of the despised and deadly creature are filled with memories of death and aeons of pain and misery, they flee in fear at the mere sight of the Arch Lich.

Extending a hand, nothing more..no words come from his jawless skull, no spell components needed...a black bolt of searing cold energy swirls into the room, knocking all the fools from around Xanthor's table reeling and falling...

the deafining roar of the blast of death magic force the mortals within the room to cover thier ears as blood seeps from thier ruptured eardrums...

Xanthor and Dafadil sit there, unharmed by the frigid blast...

Extending his hand once more he points to the wall by the Undead Lords sit... and cascading forth from where his lower jaw should have been.....

blood, tissue, nerves, artieries and mass of living tissue spew forth from his jawless skull. He vomits the entrails onto the wall... splattering thier contents upon the wall...they begin to take a form....a shape..as the Lich uses such subtle magiks to shift the tissue and blood into readable words the rest of the tavern can comprehend...

his way of communication... as speech has long been a luxery he bothers not to waste his time on...

As everyone turns to look at the display upon the wall....they read the Lich's words....

The Undead have risen to take back... You claim you are immortal angel, yet you have no grasp on what that entails... one swift spell and your essence can be snuffed out just like the petty monk that stands beside you.... and you demons..do not think your hell is the worst to reside.. I have seen pits of the abyss that will make your black blood curdle... and for you greenskins... such things of life and death are beyond your feeble imaginations... go back to your camps and eat you beasts and fart and sleep, your only drive is of one to kill and maim... hardly a goal considering the ways of the world... All of you fall into a ctaegory us unliving can surmise... you all have souls... you all carry a essence of life... one that can be snuffed out like a candle in a quick breeze... so do not dare trifle us with your bravado and words of false power and strength... so put your weak pets away such as that thing you call a dragon... before thier essence too become a collection of the Lich and begone with you all.... if you know what is healthy for you....

and with that , the Arch Lich turns, and upon his mist of sullen ash and flayed skin, he floats forth from the tavern and out into the lands of Gothador once more...

The beings look toward the door where he once was...and all they see is a pile of ash and decay....and a lone withered Dafodill resting in the pile...

#17 FrankNStien



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 18:35

demons and vampires your peace also we seek, thus we will like wise not harm. .

As The lich floats through the forest..leaving the tavern... plants withering in his wake...forest animals fleeing at the mere sight of the unholy being... he sends a mental communication to one of the undead that rested at that table....

Speak for yourself Dafadil....

I carry no love for those that wish to call themself.... Vampyr...

A Lich must stay true to his enemies....

#18 Songwoven



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 18:35

*Snickers at the "Arch Lich's" pretty show*
:roll: Oh preserve us all, the grand-duke of the undead comes forth to frighten us with his parlour tricks. Spare us your putrid breath 'Mellow Flower' we have all seen how mighty you "truly" are!

#19 gothador_dafadil

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 18:48

i rise, walk over the pile of ash and pick up the dafadil left by my legionaires departure... turning i present it to any still standing.

see this shall be all you ever take away from those of us that follow myself into eternity... new life. fitting dont you think?

#20 FrankNStien



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 18:55

Hearing some of the commotion after his departre from the flower he left, he had a echo spell placed onto , he hears some of the comments made in the wake of his actions..

recognizing the voice of the one they call Songwoven.... he gives himself a small chuckle at the mortals meaningless tribble that slimed forth from that hole she calls a mouth...

continuing on... he laughs slightly and moves forth heading toward the graves of the Sacred grounds...

" More corpses to rise ..so much to do " he thinks to himself...

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