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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2014 18:25

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In Topic: Arena Update #2 v2.48

26 June 2014 - 17:53

i dont see why people complain so much about the fact BM and LF pots will be more acceptable for general population ?? this is a good thing even if the price is going to drop a lot (40 was just stupid) it is still going to be profitable - lets be serious - if u win one arena and get 40 tokens u buy one pot - and the entry fee is as high as 50k - so u still turn 50k into 5fsp (maybe more) - also how many turnaments with BM pot were there in a day - 5-10 maybe - now u can decide and invest all ur tokens into this potion - so some one that is good at arena can make alone maybe 10 pots per day - so pls stop complaining about the drop of prices - people complained about composing potions ruining the price for potion farmers and that didnt happen - all i see now is that everyone gets a fair share of arena items/ arena pots - BIG FREAKING GZ - i`m loving this update - i`m glad my feed back on returning the randomness of arena lvls was taken into consideration - i`m also glad that the ideea of token vs gold entry is also taken into consideration :) guess yesterday i didnt write in vain :)) - as far for prices in the arena shop they are fine by me - i`d just remove berserk and FI potion from the 40token list - i`d remove them cause u can buy them from AH specials so they arent usefull now anylonger - thx for reading another long post - and for the 100 time - BIG GZ TO THE DEVELOPERS - i love arena now - and will try and be more active in it ;)

In Topic: Arena Update #2 v2.48

26 June 2014 - 16:30

big gz guys - i think the arena fix is perfect now :))

In Topic: Arena Updates

25 June 2014 - 20:16

ok i wasnt the smartest arena player even before and i was jelous maybe on those that had like 2k-3k wins but this looks bad - you guys are punishing not only the ones that are trying to understand arena play but also you are punishing players due to low lvl - as i see a lvl 2500 can enter all ranges of arena while a lvl 100 player (or under ) has only one vialble possibility - where is the equality that arena was about - a lvl 5 player had same shot as lvl 2500 player (due to a much better distribution in ranges for arena)


i love the fact u get tokens to buy items  instead of having to win the item (this will make inventing a LOT more easy) and in theory more accesible for more players - BUT and this is where the big BUT comes - only a few players can do it at this rate :) if u want to tweek arena why dont u keep the old lvls - variation from lvl 1 to lvl 2500 - so u will have again those lvl 63 - 89 - 325 etc arena`s so it will be again all about the gear and the moves and the knowledge - ARENA SHOULD NOT BE ABOUT LVL OF PLAYER this will create hate between low lvl high lvl player - also in my humble opinion - the price of tokens for items should be changed also - i`m not one to point fingers but as cromaxim said - BM pot is just plain stupid to have same cost as gem of mae


to sum up:

1) keep the old lvl variation - not these lvl 100-500-1000-2000-2500 range - it is unfair and arena was about gear/knowledge/right moves - not about lvl - and that is what made it fun

2) tweek the prices of token/item - some items arent even worth 10 tokens - some are worth maybe 1000 tokens

3) the fact a low lvl arena pays less then high lvl one again will favor high lvl and this is something u guys should honestly try and avoid - imo u should make arena entry fee universal _something like 25k entry fee (the decay on price imo should be kept like it was for old arena - it was another usefull tool of old) also the reward should be universal - 10 tokens - so in this way a lvl 5 player and a lvl 2500 player have the same odds - pay the same - win the same - and this way u need more wins to buy certain item u are so eager to win


well that is my 3 cents on the matter - eager to hear what the comunity has to say about the way i think - also very eager to hear what the developers have to say - cause atm - u are creating unbalance rather then balance - BALANCE means giving everyone same odds - and u will not be doing this with this type of update

In Topic: Not Able to Log into Fallensword From FireFox??

16 February 2014 - 07:45

third day in a row that i`m having problems loging in the game also - i can log in the forum but when i try to start the game i get this


Server not found

Firefox can't find the server at www.fallensword.com.

    Check the address for typing errors such as ww.example.com instead of www.example.com
    If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
    If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.


opened to suggestions how not to receive this anymore - cause usually it fixies itself - just annoying that it takes a few hours usually

In Topic: Oidhche Shamhna!

04 November 2013 - 09:16

just a though - when u search UFSG for mashing mallow mits u get this result

Player Equipped Total: 17     Player Backpack Total: 11     Guild Inventory Total: 7

because this year he was only spawned and killed 3 times and he is only available 2 years now what does this tell us? come on - only 3 spawns in a week is rather absurd - it has been 2 days since no seasonal titan spawned - we have all year to hunt for venoxa/ wazargh / ogalith - i`m just giving voice to what is on every titan hunter`s lips - give us our seasonal fun - dont want to seem ungrateful - i enjoied the global - got my ruby tier and all - i enjoied the LE got me a few sets from them also to use/sell whatever - but we have all been expecting the titans and they are a no show - imo this hole event deserves a 5 out of 10 points :(

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