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Member Since 19 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 12 2020 15:56

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In Topic: Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.7)

04 March 2020 - 05:15

Thank you for the information @shdowdrgn, I was able to replicate the issue and it seems it happens only when loading a full player profile rather than a quick player search. We'll fix that on the next app update.
Just to keep you guys informed on what's going on, we've been working on a lot of new app features, server fixes and some of the core features have been affected by it, requiring more stability testing. Therefore we'd like to ask you to be patient and keep providing feedback on the current version if possible.
Edit. found the issue and it was totally my fault for calling the wrong method =)

appreciate all your efforts Kami!! take the time to work it out. i know i can be patient :) will let you know if i run across anything else.

keep up the good work guys!!

In Topic: Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.7)

03 March 2020 - 11:32

im at work currently but will try to do this tonight. however the inconsistency comes on the profile page (honestly i didnt try the find player screen.
thanks for the reply and hard work

2 screen shots taken at the same time of the same player that i was chatting with. there inactive time continued to go up till about the 15 min mark, while on browser it continued to refresh as they did. it went to right on the app when the whole app reset itself from me going in and out of it. i hope that helpsAttached File  20200303_042028.jpg   124.12KB   43 downloadsAttached File  20200303_042938.jpg   88.83KB   43 downloads

In Topic: Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.7)

02 March 2020 - 16:41

We found the reason for the global count not working and we will provide a fix on the next update.
Regarding the last activity mentioned by @shdowdrgn , I compared times on the find player panel and wasn't able to replicate inconsistent times.
Would you be able to provide a screenshot of the app to show the issue? If you can provide reproduction steps for it, that would be helpful as well.

im at work currently but will try to do this tonight. however the inconsistency comes on the profile page (honestly i didnt try the find player screen.

thanks for the reply and hard work

In Topic: Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.7)

27 February 2020 - 20:31

Hi Penny, 
Thanks for pointing this out, it is indeed an issue and we are now looking for a fix. Hopefully there will be one for you in the next update :)
Hi shadowdrgn,
Really glad you are enjoying the app! As for the Issue with the global kill count, I'm assuming you had the Global Booster buff active? If so then I think I know what the problem is and will fix this for the next update :)
Also, thank you for pointing out the issue with the offline time being inaccurate. I have passed this along to Kamicazer7 who will look into this further :)
As for the footstep button, this is close to the thumb stick by design. Most players use footsteps when hunting for rare creatures that only appear on one tile and only move after being defeated. Having the footsteps allow players to keep track of which tiles they have visited during their hunt and avoid searching the tile twice. When the target is found and defeated they can quickly toggle off and on the steps to refresh the map and begin their search again. It is for this reason we will not be hiding the button in settings as this will greatly slow down the process of hunting. I will however look into this issue and see if there is any way to make the button harder to press and hence stop accidental usage. Sorry if this is not the answer you were hoping for.
Finally, I'm sure you will be happy to know that the issue with log messages has already been fixed. This will be available in the next update :)

Thanks JC! thats all good news. appreciate you looking into every thing. as for the foot steps, understanding the motivation of it placement makes more sense now. i can see how that would benefit many. ill be patient for it to evolve fsr enough to fix my issue there.

as for the kill count i did indeed have the booster running. the highest one i could get from loyalty. i should have included that info in my first post sorry.

per the messages, thst is fantastic news! thank you! will that update also make reply links and such in the logs clickable? just thought of that one.

per the active times, (i realize i went out of order here sorry. anyway i just tested it again to be sure. looked at a friends in active time on browser (firefox) and said 2min 20 seconds on app same time said 11 mins.

Thank you for your time and hard work!! it is greatly appreciated!

In Topic: Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.7)

26 February 2020 - 18:46

1 thing i forgot in my earlier post, currently log messages do not show the senders name. every log message i have to flick back to browser to see who sent it. Is this fix in the cards already?

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