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Member Since 27 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 09 2014 07:10

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Game running generally bad

02 December 2013 - 04:19

I have a decent PC and net connection, but the game is running terribly.  I have tried on IE, chrome & firefox and it runs the same on all of them.  I have tried all the servers to see if it was lag, but it stayed the same.



OS: Windows 7: home premium 64bit

Cpu: i7 3600K

RAM: 16gb DDR3 2133mhz

Gpu: GTX 680 4gb

Storeage: SDD128(os) + 2TB HDD 10000rpm

Power supply: 1000w

Internet: Cable (100mbps)


Anyone have any suggestions?  I'm new to the games in browser thing, so maybe its something to do with Java?  I did install a new version when I first logged in.  Any help would be great.

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