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Member Since 16 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2023 13:37

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Account Trading Warning

20 February 2015 - 06:30

Lucky i read this as a guy whispered me a few days ago asking if i wanted free EP he was low lvl to.

In Topic: Auto Move to NPC

28 August 2014 - 23:14

well if not a Auto Move how about a marker on Map of the NPC location ?

In Topic: player owned houses.

27 August 2014 - 04:34

Why stop at Guild Halls and Player owned housing why not create a entire map which can be used for players to Build their own personal Stalls or Shops where they can add items they have collected why playing and put them up for sale at a capped price of course don't want to blast the economy with Overpriced items this way you can sell your stuff and still be free to play the game as most games make you sit in place when you set up a stall and it gets annoying also this will give the game a sandbox feel just think about it an entire player made trading town im sure adding this a feature to the game will attract a larger playerbase.

In Topic: PLEASE never add battlemounts.

27 August 2014 - 04:25

Battlemounts are the worst idea for PVP in another game i played i was a Tank and i was up against a Ranger who had a battle mount every time i got close to him he would just run away to a safe distance and nuke me it is the fastest way to make a game Pay to Win.

In Topic: PvP Dungeon

27 August 2014 - 04:14

This sounds like it could be a fun PVP zone only down side to it is players who will QQ over being PK even though it is a PVP zone you still get those people thinking you should leave them alone as if they are in a PVE area.

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