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Member Since 20 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2015 01:32

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Too Much Ham

14 November 2014 - 06:20

Rezilla, ham stacks to 100! in a sack.  Buy sacks. I have like 15 and they are VERY helpful. 1000 cotton/ham/flax goes into a single row. It's very useful for people like you :)

In Topic: Cross server functionality.

11 November 2014 - 01:07

Like this.  HCS said they're adding cross server functionality for guilds and market, and already have it for the cash shop.  So I imagine adding this after wouldn't be too much more work.


can I have a link to this please? I know guilds and market were huge suggestion, but are the Devs actually implementing these anytime soon?

In Topic: Packs + inventory

11 November 2014 - 01:07

I like the idea of stackable vanities (though most people would only have one of each vanity after they sell their extras)


I also like the idea of vanities being reduced to one "square" each. I know it may be harder to look at, but maybe when you hover over one of those single squares, you can see an enlarged picture of the vanity. THough it's nice to see the vanity all big, you don't need to see it there 24/7, and i'd much rather enjoy the space :)

In Topic: Auto Retaliate to mob attack

04 November 2014 - 04:50

Autolock sounds like an okay idea, except if the auto lock might bug as you get attacked by 3 or 4 different mobs.

In Topic: Bag Slots for the Vault

03 November 2014 - 00:16

hopefully we can pass our laarge backpacks to our alts if we accidentally bought too many so that all alts can have enough bag space as well.

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