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What DON'T you like about PvP?

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#1 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:02

Describe what you DON"T like about PvP in Fallen Sword..


#2 Pardoux



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 07:45

1. Folk slapping you on a prestige hit and then getting abusive / crying when you bounty them


2. PvP'rs that just attack those that are not of a like mind - pvp should be player vs player, both of which WANT to participate.


3. PvP's that hit folk with no gold on hand (or next to none) when there has been no provocation issued (and yes, despite protestations, it DOES happen) - i.e. targetted player has minimised the risks, but to no avail.


4. PvP's that hit someone and then when that person has the audacity to return a hit, calls a bounty and delevelling party.



If PvP is going to thrive again in the game then something needs to be done to stop so many players being p***ed off by it ..

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#3 Davros81



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 07:52

sad to say but threads on the forum that further enhance the belief that I am experiencing Deja Vue...

#4 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 09:03

Every 2 weeks we have a bunch of PvP Threads, and a lot of people against it lol

#5 Rocknoor



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 09:25

Let me be the first to say that I love PvP, that being said I don't like it in it's current form.  When you engage in PvP, be it prestige, gold hits or just smashing for the heck of it, you assume certain risks.  Those risks entail being hit back 1 on 1 or more often the case being placed on the BB. Here is where my problem with PvP starts.  Being placed on the Bounty Board is "punishment" for some infraction you perpetrated on the placer of the Bounty.  If you lose 5 then shut up that's just part of the deal. Where my problem starts is the "rules" that the hunted go by...don't start on a current bounty, don't 100 stam me, don't do this don't do that or I'll counter bounty you.  Why should anyone on the Bounty Board be able to counter bounty anyone? You are there as a "punishment" why should you be able to respond to the attacks that you caused by initiating a PvP attack on someone  by being able to counter bounty?  In my humble opinion there should be no ability to counter bounty a bounty hunter. You got yourself placed on the BB, deal with consequences and move on.


#6 yotwehc



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 10:13

Exploitation. I can see why those happy with the status quo don't want change as they control that aspect of the game. Any who try to challenge will get beat into the ground. (Don't read this part yote) I look forward to exploiting some of it at eoc so a part of me doesn't want anything to change either.

#7 shindrak



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 11:35


#8 yotekiller



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 11:49

I don't like all the wild accusations of how terrible pvp and all who participate in it are.  Even one of the most vocal anti pvp'ers (chewsomething) told me that the majority of pvp'ers are honorable in their dealings yet all pvp'ers continue to be painted with the broad brush of scum of the earth.  I don't see people calling for all levelers or all merchants to be punished and have their preferred game style drastically altered because a few of them have been less than honorable at some point in the past.  Pvp'ers have a way of sorting out their own.  Those that are honorable will become a valued part of the pvp communiity.  Those that are less than honorable will quickly find themselves on the outside looking in.  Furthermore, what may have happened, or just rumored to have happened, way back in the day is past.  Let it go.  The game has changed and so have the players so let's focus on how things operate today.

Edited by yotekiller, 13 February 2015 - 11:51.

Screenshot everything!

#9 sweetlou



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 13:25

Oh, I love these threads. What a way to start a constructive argument!



1. Folk slapping you on a prestige hit and then getting abusive / crying when you bounty them

If you drop them 5 levels, watch how often that continues to happen... or are you incapable? Being incapable of dropping someone 5 levels is the cause, as I see it, for most PvP complaints. If more players had the fortitude this wouldn't be an issue.


2. PvP'rs that just attack those that are not of a like mind - pvp should be player vs player, both of which WANT to participate.

So I'm curious here, are players supposed to read minds now? If a player adds that they "don't PvP" in their bio that should be enough right? Players should respect what another person asks. Wrong. Without the adversity in the game, it dies. Example, without sorrow there can be no true understanding of happiness. Another example, Sigmastorm2. Players know from the onset others attack them and they will lose xp. But wait, "I worked hard to earn that xp." Then you should work hard to keep it and, again, have some players(preferably in the same guild - let's call them enforcers like in hockey) show some fortitude.


3. PvP's that hit folk with no gold on hand (or next to none) when there has been no provocation issued (and yes, despite protestations, it DOES happen) - i.e. targetted player has minimised the risks, but to no avail.

Let's call this one a Prestige hit, oh well. I personally think players simply get offended just by the language in their log. "You were defeated by luisspamer in combat. [ View Combat ]. Just sounds mean. What if the log stated, "You were given a 10 stam love tap by luisspamer. He wanted you to know it was nothing personal and only meant to gain prestige." Wouldn't that sound better? If you really are bothered by losing xp, xp protect. It's cheap. You can even buy it for gold so you aren't hit for gold ironically.


4. PvP's that hit someone and then when that person has the audacity to return a hit, calls a bounty and delevelling party.



If PvP is going to thrive again in the game then something needs to be done to stop so many players being p***ed off by it ..

I would be hard pressed to find someone that acts in such a manner, but hey, I can see uses for it and have myself used this tactic. What if there was a previous history with this player or his/her guild? If the previous egregious matter had been left unsettled, you bet I would use any means necessary to "punish" that player. But as said, this is really such a rare occurrence it's not worth justifying even though I have.


On the larger picture of how the game is developed, it would be nice to reduce the unhappiness some players have with PvP, but not for the sake of the game itself. Players have been given an extremely affordable way to avoid xp loss through PvP protection. If players are unable or incapable of defending themselves there is now an alternative. If they choose to use it, it allows them to control their own happiness and destiny in the game, yes for a price. Why the complaints?

[Signature removed]


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#10 Rocknoor



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 14:10

Luisspammer, you always make such a sensible argument for PvP and I enjoy reading your thoughts on the subject, if only your actions followed your rhetoric.  You regularly smash players 500-600 levels on the Bounty Board that have no chance against you.  When someone responds to that by smashing you back you go running to your guild to drop them 5.  I've 10 stam cleared you a couple of times, once while you were even dancing and my reward was losing 5 levels each time because obviously " you were defeated by "XXX" is an anathema to you. Your actions don't advocate a PvP interaction, they are however designed to let you hit whoever you want with impunity as we all know that any action taken against you by someone not a "friend" will result in a loss of 5 levels as you once again run to your guild for "justice" because someone had the audacity to actually hit you back. I look forward to the day that we are the same level so that I can see if you will take me on one on one or once again go crying to your guild for justice. Again I enjoy your postings to the forum on PvP subjects, they are insightful however your actions make you the "poster child"  for everything that is wrong with PvP.


#11 yodamus



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 14:29

what i dont like about pvp - simple..there should be no counter bounties allowed...period...xp loss should be less than what it is..but still some...gold theft % should be higher...and attacks should be every 24 hrs...not every 1 hr on same person, by same person..on activity..my ideas are on that thread..

#12 Maehdros



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 14:48

The mega buffs like high guard, golden shield, dispel curse that make combat a joke. The fact people complain about xp-loss ,yet xp is much much easier to gain then years ago. (globals,composing pots, epic pots,etc).  The ladder still the same,after these past few *years*.

#13 Mzzery



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 15:39

The mega buffs like high guard, golden shield, dispel curse that make combat a joke. The fact people complain about xp-loss ,yet xp is much much easier to gain then years ago. (globals,composing pots, epic pots,etc).  The ladder still the same,after these past few *years*.



#14 yotwehc



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 15:52

I see a pattern. Many say xp is so easy to gain back that it's a joke. So why not get rid of the joke :)

Yes, I do think most pvprs are honorable but for those who arent, the current game mechanics hugely favor them and you are at their mercy. I can't wait to take advantage of that exploit myself. I'm not anti pvp. I'm for fairness. I understand why many are against this change as they will lose control of a part of the game that they have mighty control over. No one dares challenge or get run into the ground.

#15 Maehdros



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 15:58

I see a pattern. Many say xp is so easy to gain back that it's a joke. So why not get rid of the joke :)

Yes, I do think most pvprs are honorable but for those who arent, the current game mechanics hugely favor them and you are at their mercy. I can't wait to take advantage of that exploit myself. I'm not anti pvp. I'm for fairness. I understand why many are against this change as they will lose control of a part of the game that they have mighty control over. No one dares challenge or get run into the ground.


Get rid of xp you mean? Hcs depends on people spending money/cash for stamina..whether its to gain or regain levels. And why are you waiting til *eoc* to try this aspect for yourself?  Just curious, as you repeatedly state or *warn* that you will at one point or another. :)



Edit: When you state you're waiting, is this related to possible changes in the pvp xp-loss system? Or the punishment possibly being nerfed on the bounty-board?



Edited by Maehdros, 13 February 2015 - 16:04.

#16 Calista



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 16:14

Everyone always acts like changes to pvp are going to hurt only the pvp players. Remember the change that allowed a bounty for every hit? Levelers loved that until the first time they lost 100+ levels each.  Now that was fun.  lol


The accusations of 'bully' being thrown around with support from the game staff. It's an ugly name to throw out at people who are just playing the game the way it's set up. 


The confusion with the changing rules. Example: The game allows for hourly hits. It's in the rules. But if you do hourly hits, you're crossing a line and face being banned. We're told not to send demands or messages,  and are then told we can't 'hide' behind the excuse of no demands and face being banned. Which is it? I'll follow the rules if someone will tell me what the heck they are.


#17 BadPenny



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 16:37

There is not anything I DON'T like about PvP.... I love it, it's one of the few challenges in this game.  I want to see PvP thrive, and be vibrant and prevalent, like it was when I began.  


About counter bounties:  I always thought them dumb, but I can also see the other side.  "You smashed me, I'll have you smashed" is a common mentality.  Well, sometimes smashing is merited, sometimes it's just somebody working on their smasher medal. Either way, it's part of the game, right?  


Prestige:  I have many thoughts about prestige.  I still think that losing 5 for a prestige hit is petty.... but it happens.  a lot.  The ones that get the angriest seem to be the ones under the impression that they LOSE prestige when I hit.  I have gotten messages to this effect over the years.  I find them hilarious.  Hey, levelers, you lose nothing but a handful of XP and a few coins.  Unless I find you with a big wallet... Then, I'm definitely going for that... and you can take your 5... elsewise, please don't cry, it was just a small spanking from Pennah, gear and buff up and come get your 10 prestige... it's why Hoof gave it to us ;)

Just one old lady's opinion




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#18 yotwehc



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 16:48

Get rid of xp you mean? Hcs depends on people spending money/cash for stamina..whether its to gain or regain levels. And why are you waiting til *eoc* to try this aspect for yourself? Just curious, as you repeatedly state or *warn* that you will at one point or another. :)

Edit: When you state you're waiting, is this related to possible changes in the pvp xp-loss system? Or the punishment possibly being nerfed on the bounty-board?


I want to be ata point where levels don't matter to me. Some find level 200 is a good stopping point. Others find 900. And yet others like other points. I find eoc my sweet spot. no I am not waiting for the system to change else the exploit is gone. I want to be a hated merc. No more of those left in the game as they are somehow a hated specie and has been all but chased out of the game. Let's see how long I last ;)

#19 Melons



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 17:53

Everyone always acts like changes to pvp are going to hurt only the pvp players. Remember the change that allowed a bounty for every hit? Levelers loved that until the first time they lost 100+ levels each.  Now that was fun.  lol


The accusations of 'bully' being thrown around with support from the game staff. It's an ugly name to throw out at people who are just playing the game the way it's set up. 


The confusion with the changing rules. Example: The game allows for hourly hits. It's in the rules. But if you do hourly hits, you're crossing a line and face being banned. We're told not to send demands or messages,  and are then told we can't 'hide' behind the excuse of no demands and face being banned. Which is it? I'll follow the rules if someone will tell me what the heck they are.


#20 Pardoux



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 18:41

I should have guessed this would turn into the debate that


PvP is Evil vs PvP is God *sigh*


I thought the thread was "WHAT DON'T YOU LIKE ABOUT PVP?" - surely those that love it can make their "I love it" comments in the "WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT PVP?" thread and leave the comments in here about the reasons why players don't like it ?


That way, if it ever happens, the cows can see concise reasons why players DO like it in the DO like thread and concise reasons why players DON'T like it in the DON'T like thread...

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

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