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Member Since 08 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 13 2014 09:06

Topics I've Started

I'm banned?

19 December 2013 - 00:59

I've finally got to load the game after like 2 weeks and it says my IP/Username is banned and both my characters names are "FullMetal" and "Zokrin". I've never cursed or done anything remotely wrong in the game to break the rules? Any help here?


Guess I'm the first to be banned on this game? Lol

Can't log into to "Game unpacking"

13 December 2013 - 22:04

When the screen loads to get to the character section before logining in, it shows it has an update and starts to unpack and install the data. It does this and for about a second it shows the character screen and goes back to unpacking the data. It will do this like 50 times and I let it go for about 20 minutes doing this.


Any issues or solving help for this?



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