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Member Since 11 Jul 2016
Offline Last Active Nov 21 2017 01:55

Topics I've Started

Minimap Shows Two Places

20 April 2017 - 15:15

Showing the whole screen so you can see the location:

Attached File  glitch_minimap.png   1.3MB   59 downloads


I had just taken a dragon to Mythos from Eldevin. The minimap looks like a strange blend of both - it's fine once you move away from that specific area, and the paths are almost right, but there are definitely EC walls included. The quest arrow on the minimap points to "Adds to the Taste".

The Farming Plots Are Freezing

13 February 2017 - 15:21

In the farming area south of Eldevin City there are two farming plots stuck - the stats stay the same. Mine froze just now while I was turning in dailies next to it. I'm not sure if that has any connection, and previously the plot died.


The plot can be unfrozen by watering it if it is your plot, and then it works like normal. I don't think it's exploitable because it seems to happen randomly, but if the mechanism for how it happened was figured out it could become exploitable because it keeps the time effect from destroying the plot.

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