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Miner Expansion Details + Request

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#1 Hoofmaster


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 04:16

Hi all,

Here is a little more info on the forthcoming miner (enchantment) expansion.

The idea behind this is a third level or refining will be done to the bars, turning them into 'orbs'. These orbs will then be used to power enhancement abilities which can be leveled up.

So where does the miner come into this?

The miner subclass will be the best at this, a higher level cap on the abilities and faster leveling of these ability (in the same respect a mage has a higher level cap on spells etc.).

What are these enhancement abilities?

They will work in a similar way to the advanced skills - ie. they will give some form of new skill which will have a level based on the skill level of the invoker (player). You will be able to use these on yourself and also invoke them on target players within the same realm. You will use the orbs to invoke them.

So.... what are these enhancement abilities?

I would like ideas for what you would like them to be - I have some ideas, but I would rather see what the community as a whole can come up with as they may turn out more unique and interesting that way, hence this thread.

When will it all be ready?

We're aiming to have it all ready by christmas :)

- hoof

#2 gothador_calligula

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 04:22

wisdom enchantments - like +5 wisdom or so
damage enchantments - like +15 DMG (as wisdom equates to more DMG than regular DMG)
HP enchantments - like +35 HP or so
MP enchantments - like +100 MP
ATK enchantments - like +25 ATK
DEF enchantments - like +20 DEF

mining, smelting and foraging enchantments - +5 mining and smelting and foraging

resistance enchantments - 5% res across board per enchantment.


Skill enchantments:

5% increase to teleport % cast chance - limit 1 teleport enchant per kit though.
10% True Strike+ enchantment - lowers DEF by a further 10% but requires True Strike+
-- no adjustment to anti-res+ seeing as though it just got an increase--

#3 gothador_xade

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 04:28

woohoo! Three cheers to the Miner Alt...

(ok... moving along now...)

#4 gothador_calligula

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 04:46

woohoo! Three cheers to the Miner Alt...

(ok... moving along now...)

alt yes, clone no ;)

#5 gothador_armybeans

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 04:58

hmmmmmmmmm, I really, really like the sounds of this!

#6 gothador_lamentalist

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 05:00

wisdom enchantments - like +5 wisdom or so
MP enchantments - like +100 MP
ATK enchantments - like +25 ATK

mining, smelting and foraging enchantments - +5 mining and smelting and foraging

I most definitely second the MP & Wisdom enchantments... calli just beat me to it :)

#7 DarkOrion


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 05:06

Clarification - will it be 1 Orb to 1 bonus (or possibly negitive effect if you can use it on targets) or will it be like "Use 50 orbs to do this One effect" ?

#8 gothador_xade

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 05:13

woohoo! Three cheers to the Miner Alt...

(ok... moving along now...)

alt yes, clone no ;)

... :P I know, just making fun of the Alt class... (hell, I'm even making fun of the few mains out there... :P...)

('cept xindi of course... she ROCKS. :D )

#9 gothador_grandmaster

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 05:15

hmmm, well, wondering how long they will last? I think you mean they are temporary, right? Is there a way to get rid of them? Or do they last a specified amount of time and that is it?

well, some ideas -

a -% to 1 resistance
a -% to teleport cast chance
a -% to AC
stone feet - target player cannot move from current square

hmmm, those are the negative ones I can come up with off the top of my head, but I know there are a lot more.

#10 lasciel



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Posted 04 December 2006 - 05:19

hmmm, well, wondering how long they will last? I think you mean they are temporary, right? Is there a way to get rid of them? Or do they last a specified amount of time and that is it?

well, some ideas -

a -% to 1 resistance
a -% to teleport cast chance
a -% to AC
stone feet - target player cannot move from current square

hmmm, those are the negative ones I can come up with off the top of my head, but I know there are a lot more.

I think he means enchantment as in positives to enhance current items, not enchantment as in bone another player :lol:

#11 gothador_grandmaster

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 05:37

hmmm, does he? He didn't say that, and in previous conversations this sort of thing was discussed. I think it is also meant to help miners in PvP, which these would do.

I guess some clarification might be needed.

#12 lasciel



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Posted 04 December 2006 - 05:42

hmmm, does he? He didn't say that, and in previous conversations this sort of thing was discussed. I think it is also meant to help miners in PvP, which these would do.

I guess some clarification might be needed.

If I understood what he said properly, it's like the suggestion he made a few months back about mages in cults being able to enchant characters in the cult to enhance their stats temporarily and stuff like that

#13 gothador_narf

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 06:16

Yes to Wisdom bonus! But MP bonus not as important. Miners can just allocate more points to MP and less to defense.

Err, just a few thoughts..

Here are a few ideas off the top of my head

* Increases chance to steal gold/platinum
* Increase anti-theft/anti-platinum steal
* Increases chances to retaliate against theives (i.e. raises % to hit regardless of attack/defense)
* raises cast chance when retaliating (so a 50% chance cast spell could be cast 60% of the time)
* Chance to give virus. Virus type varies depending on what level you are.
* Increase damage to magery
* Increase damage to sorcery
* Increase exp/kill
* More ores/bars/orbs per mined/smelted/refined
* Increase cult bonus or bonded bonus

#14 gothador_virusdemon

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 06:31

Enhanced Two-Arm Combat - Allows player to wield 2 weapons for X amount of time.

Enhanced Potency - Allows player to use 2 vial effects simultaneously with a % lowered effect.

Enhanced Combat - Prevents another player from attacking a creature that the casting player is currently attacking or has landed a strike against in the last 29 minutes.

Enhanced Firestorm - Renders a player immune to magic while on a Mine/ Smelt square. Cannot use Enhanced Thornstorm with this enhancement.

Enhanced Thornstorm - Renders a player immune to melee attacks while on a Mine/Smelt Square. Cannot use Enhanced Firestorm with this enhancement.

Enhanced Shadowstorm - Renders caster invisible to PvP locate for X time.

#15 gothador_lapwing

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 07:19

Traps--defensive enchantments that only work on retal

--Tanglefoot/binding (reduce attacker AP by non-trivial amount)
--Virus-like effects that wear off after 10 minutes (reduced stats, reduced skills); as ability goes up, magnitude of effect goes up
--Teleport Lockdown--disable attacker's teleport ability for 10 minutes
--Locator tag--cloak and shadow abilities disabled for 10 minutes
--Cult recall autopilot--chance to evade an attack by activating cult recall ability (or teleport to random location)

#16 gothador_drumster

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 07:24

hmmm, does he? He didn't say that, and in previous conversations this sort of thing was discussed. I think it is also meant to help miners in PvP, which these would do.

I guess some clarification might be needed.

If I understood what he said properly, it's like the suggestion he made a few months back about mages in cults being able to enchant characters in the cult to enhance their stats temporarily and stuff like that

Oy Valdorian!

This is as-yet unimplemented system that Hoof is asking for suggestions on from the Gothador community. Now I'm not doubting your recollection of an undocumented discussion with Hoof regarding where he wanted this system to go several months back. Quite the opposite, in fact. You wield truth like a razor-sharp weapon - not some kind of blunt implement...

My simple request is this. Could you allow us to think outside of the box on this one please, without pointing us to the box (well, your perception of the box) and therefore effectively limiting the areas and forms that these suggestions can take?

For a system already in place, your guiding hand has been seen to be quite useful.

For a system yet to be implemented, you're sort of acting as a censor.

This is not a personal attack as such, but you're recent post is a good example of what I'd like to avoid on this thread if possible - I just want the best ideas possible for the game I love. IMHO, Individuals restricting areas of intellectual development (no matter how well meaning they are in doing so) at this stage of conceptual development will limit the Gothador of the future for everyone.


So.... what are these enhancement abilities?

I would like ideas for what you would like them to be - I have some ideas, but I would rather see what the community as a whole can come up with as they may turn out more unique and interesting that way, hence this thread.

#17 lasciel



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Posted 04 December 2006 - 07:26

hmmm, does he? He didn't say that, and in previous conversations this sort of thing was discussed. I think it is also meant to help miners in PvP, which these would do.

I guess some clarification might be needed.

If I understood what he said properly, it's like the suggestion he made a few months back about mages in cults being able to enchant characters in the cult to enhance their stats temporarily and stuff like that

Oy Valdorian!

This is as-yet unimplemented system that Hoof is asking for suggestions on from the Gothador community. Now I'm not doubting your recollection of an undocumented discussion with Hoof regarding where he wanted this system to go several months back. Quite the opposite, in fact. You wield truth like a razor-sharp weapon - not some kind of blunt implement...

My simple request is this. Could you allow us to think outside of the box on this one please, without pointing us to the box (well, your perception of the box) and therefore effectively limiting the areas and forms that these suggestions can take?

For a system already in place, your guiding hand has been seen to be quite useful.

For a system yet to be implemented, you're sort of acting as a censor.

This is not a personal attack as such, but you're recent post is a good example of what I'd like to avoid on this thread if possible - I just want the best ideas possible for the game I love. IMHO, Individuals restricting areas of intellectual development (no matter how well meaning they are in doing so) at this stage of conceptual development will limit the Gothador of the future for everyone.


So.... what are these enhancement abilities?

I would like ideas for what you would like them to be - I have some ideas, but I would rather see what the community as a whole can come up with as they may turn out more unique and interesting that way, hence this thread.

:roll: it wasn't a conversation with hoofy, it was another suggestion he posted a while back, but from the sounds of things he's taking it from the original idea of being mages, and making it for the miners - not restricting ideas at all, bringing UP an old idea that a lot of people really quite liked to bring it into the mix incase it had been forgotten about.

EDIT: see thread --> Enhancement Spells

#18 mamori



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Posted 04 December 2006 - 07:34

gah, have to study for speech now, but will post tomarrow about this! (no doubt it will be 12 pages long by then...)

#19 gothador_krum

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 09:20

my thoughts
(some of these ideas already suggested, so appologies if i have duplicated something already said)

Timed use
How about there would be "fragile orbs" which can be used on you and anyone else in the realm, that are tempory.

there would also be "stable orbs" harder to make requiring the harder to get refined bars that only affect you but are perm like trinkets.

Ideas for orbs "fragile orbs"
Armoured barrier orb + % def
Razor spiked orb + % atk
Chi crystal + %MP
Chronus orb + 1 speed (make min ap refresh 4 min)
Fused chakra orb + 5 wisdom
Gateway orb + 1 teleport
Mytic pick orb + 5 minning
Furness Orb + 5 smelting
Natures Adept orb + 5 foraging
Charismatic orb -%1 on purchases

ideas for "stable orbs"
Orius Treasure magnet +1% creature drop
Mercury orb + ap
Extraction orb + 5% to Skilled Miner adv skill
shimmering visage orb -sight skill does not show user.


#20 gothador_kayliquinn

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 09:52

I'm going to make the daft suggestions :P

Jingling bracelet - Allows culties to locate joo without cost. Dis includes elfies. (Culties for culties so no digs about this!)

Shiny bracelet - Fragile (going with Krum's fragile idea) % chance of lighting up the black-cloud square joo are in.

Hexed bracelet - Fragile (going with Krum's fragile idea) makes negative % changes to enchanted.

Bewitching bracelet - Fragile, enchanted gets 0.1% of all culties gained exp.

Charm bracelet - (Later questie, really hard one thou and assuming one enchantement per person at present, poss MINERS ONLY quest) enchanted can have two more enchantements placed upon them.

Broken bracelet - Makes enchanted immune from fragile enchantments, no other gain, but means can't get hexed! Compatible however with charm bracelet plus other permanent enchantements.

Medical bracelet - breaks after one use or fragile. Makes immune to catching a virus. aka prevents enchanted from catching emitted virus, but breaks after this meaning vunerable once more.

Feathered bracelet - Fragile. Negates first strike.

Crystal bracelet - Fragile. Negates assassin.

So I have a thing for bracelets :P

Plus I think so certain fragile bracelets dont make user too hard, I think after one breaks it can't be replaced for 24 hours.

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