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Member Since 02 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 13 2014 17:39

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In Topic: Skills and Talent balance

27 January 2014 - 13:46



I think it could use more damage power, for 500g for the skill i feel unsatisfaied. Or change talent in mage tree if i remeber well 35% for smoldering caldera for 2 talents points. I can't understand why most of aoe (area of effect) spell/skill are also dot's (damage over time). Dragon breath, blizzard, frost spikes, engulf, whirlwind, that poison attack from assasin why all are dot's? From not the dot's spell: frostbite, meteroite or erupt (mixed here). That arent that effective, but got their cons.


I don't know about the lvl 50 spell for mage, cast instant, but to be honest getting an aoe on end game, what the use to farm with aoe then? So maybe change those skill to lvl 45?


So i want to suggest increase the power of aoe's or lower it but make it instant not over time or increase it cooldown to avoid the same thing with frozen spikes nerf.



In Topic: Weapon Rotating & Quick Deposit / Withdraw

26 January 2014 - 22:42

I like the idea of rotating the items. If you don't like the rotation you could always turn it on/off in options. Give players more option to choose and customize game for how they want/like it, same as minimap rotation or quest completed window or simple menus. This won't hurt and will only make game better.

In Topic: flakes needed for crafting adjustment

16 January 2014 - 10:39

I think it was somewhere posted already, and a good argument for not changing that is the amount of sockets. 1H weapon and shield got more sockets than 2H weapons, so those weapons shouldnt be cheap.

In Topic: Dragon's breath - mage tree last talent

31 December 2013 - 16:17

Did more test it works like it suppose, but still suggesting a trianlge instead of circle.

In Topic: Boondock's - first boss

21 December 2013 - 22:39

Getting little of topic, but yeah i lost about 20 gold on ohdar. It's about learning the instance. For first boss you need to know that some points should go for vitality, glass cannons with luck will work too but depends what who likes. Second boss is about running and 3rd boss is about noticing the white dot on the ground, before all my team got used to it and learn to dodge i was about 10 gold poorer for repairs.

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