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Member Since 28 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active May 31 2014 16:00

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Economic Stimulus Program

29 March 2014 - 06:30

Its called inflation, we dont have enough gold sink so thats why prices on Ep(real money) going up. Adding thing like this doesnt help. It will be just annoying for people who doesnt like to gather resources and can make botter more active. So this idea imo is rly bad. All what we need to make economy alive and stop inflation are new players, or more gold sink options like house system, mounts etc. But that was suggested hundreds times. People u need to understand that HCS is small team we can't have all in same time, be more patient. Cheers :)

*Cough* *Cough* P2W. Just add sacks available for gold and set EP unavailable for trade. Thats all it takes to make this game more appealing and the economy to be more "healthy" and "fair".

In Topic: New Game Content!

22 February 2014 - 09:30

This isn't even suggestion, its complainment.

I am 100% sure they are aware about the lack of content. Definately working on it, that I am also 100% sure. I am also 100% sure that you don't have a clue about game developing.

No need to make "whiny" or "wnb grand" topic like this to leave. You just leave quietly and thats it.

Though, I feel like there is one thing that boosts this "problem" you describe. Which is the P2W factor of the game, you "pay to progress" as people here want to think it is. Then you end up being bored quickly while also messing up the Economy like those botters.


In Topic: Assassin needs some mana talent love

12 February 2014 - 18:35

There is also possibility of adding talents that reduces mana cost of skill.

In Topic: Some suggestions

10 February 2014 - 14:23

Well what do you expect tbh, every f2p mmorpg needs some way of income as it would be complete loss to the developers/owners if it weren't powered by the players, the costs itself for running such game aren't low.

Yeah yeah, keep that up, thats what they want.

Do not restrain your brains too much thinking there might be other options.

In Topic: Some suggestions

10 February 2014 - 06:47

Homestone cooldown can be shortened with 25EP - it's on the cooldown's page in the Eldevin Market.


Since it's a money for convenience thing, one of the way HCS makes money on this game (the other is money for vanity), I doubt it will be changed. 


Personally, I am used to strategizing Homestone (*cough* Hearthstone *cough*) use, so an hour's cooldown is no big deal to me.

No need to defend it, everyone else except Eldevin's playerbase know that it is P2W. ;)

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