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Member Since 28 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 12 2014 04:40

#841841 Auto loot destroy

Posted by Nature on 17 January 2014 - 16:42

Well they should make pets do something... what i have in mind is that they should make pets loot for us. pets will go loot the drops of your kill for the master within certain range.

#841839 Unbound item

Posted by Nature on 17 January 2014 - 16:39

Like a EP item that you can unbound the bound item ( the untradeable item, bind once equips stuff)

#840213 Downloadable client.

Posted by Nature on 13 January 2014 - 04:12


When do you think you guys will have it done and ready for public access?

#839898 Have the option to toggle displayed gold and Eldevin points

Posted by Nature on 12 January 2014 - 00:34

We need a button that clear out everything like lv bar, exp bar, mini map, gold, ep and chat. so we can take nice group picture without having those bars and mini maps in the way :)

#839156 Need an optional setting for item inspection

Posted by Nature on 10 January 2014 - 02:16

+1 from me, I was just thinking about this a few hours ago and I totally agree with you. People deserve their privacy!

 Thank you for your support!

#839150 Need an optional setting for item inspection

Posted by Nature on 10 January 2014 - 02:10

I'm cool with the idea of letting your equipment and the general item stat hang out and such, but i wish there's more.

An inspection on/off setting: which will give ones option whether he/she want to let other people inspect them or not, or at least a pop up window ask the player for permission ( to avoid being harassed by the pop up window you can only inspect the same person once in 5 mins that way will stop people from abusing the pop up window.)


hide the gem and bonus stat. I mean like everyone knows the item from crafting or in shop. so there no need to hide the general stat. but what makes an item unique from another is what gem you put in. and the random stat bonus. wheres the fun of letting everyone knows what you have? it would be more fun to keep each other guessing and ask questions (I really hope HC will make an update about in-game equipment. whats the fun when your level 40 items are the same as everyone else?) and everyone's stats r equally match?  what can make a certain player who put more time and effort into the game stand out more??

And please do not make inspect talent/stat option in the near future. this will only discourage in-game player to player communication. whats the fun of inspecting someone to find out the answer when u can have a conversation and share knowledge?

that's just my point of view. feel free to leave comment about yours.

#828576 In Game Marriage

Posted by Nature on 10 December 2013 - 05:03

Isn't Loaf is a male character? first thing first, we need a name change item and gender change item in shop .

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