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#895880 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by Trailman on 23 October 2014 - 01:20

About the PvPxp rewards


Potions are what we used to refer to as consumables use then they are gone in a very limited amount of time


Gear on the other hand is not. My opinion is that I am not adverse to gear being a reward but if so it needs to be crystal and have a very low durability rating so it is broken in a very reasonable amount of time. I also agree it needs to be bound to the person that invents it.

#895382 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by Trailman on 19 October 2014 - 05:15

To be honest being a BH'er is more of a gold sink then a PvP'er is because they need the potions/buffs right now to complete the bounty. They can't ask around and wait so they buy what they can from the AH or now the Bazaar.

#894688 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by Trailman on 16 October 2014 - 00:39

As requested this is being moved from mary4ever's thread to this one.


There was a suggestion a while back in a thread not sure which one (there are 3 on this topic) to make 2 choices when attacking a player,


10 stam or 100 stam.


A 10 stam hit takes PvPxp/Prestige and can't have a bounty on it.


A 100 stam takes PvPxp/Gold/Prestige and can have a bounty placed on it.


I believe that when a bounty can be placed there should be xp loss.


I would also suggest that ALL bounty attacks be set at 100 stam (no more soft clears). No BB attacks can have a bounty placed. If you lose to your target you lose both xp and gold so the risk remains. XP loss has been removed from the BB I would like to see it reinstated if xp loss is removed from most of the game. Players NEED a way to delevel if they want to and finding a SE attacking naked as I joked about is the only way with BG's plan.


The above allows for gold theft yet still protects all non BB players from losing xp.


The above removes the opportunity for BB bashing. I think one of the things BG is talking about is a player returning an attack, getting placed on the BB and losing 5.



So a PvP'er 100 stam's me he gets my gold and little or no PvPxp because I don't PvP. I post him and he loses both PvPxp and xp for that attack. As a leveler I have my vengeance and the PvP'er has my gold but not my xp which I do value.


So a PvP'er 100 stam's me he gets my gold and little or no PvPxp because I don't PvP. I return the attack with a 10 stam attack no bounty can be placed but I still gain both PvPxp/Prestige from the attack if I win. If he wins he gets 10 PvPxp just like any other attack. DEFLECT DOES NOT COUNT AS A WIN


So a PvP'er 100 stam's me he gets my gold and little or no PvPxp because I don't PvP. I return the attack with a 100 stam attack, that's down right stupid no PvP'er holds any real gold to steal.


Amounts subject to HCS decisions


PvPxp is 10 per attack no matter what the stam is off board if my PvPxp is equal or greater then and 0 PvPxp if mine is less then. I lose 5 from the attack if my PvPxp is greater or equal to the attackers. This will stop all farming for PvPxp

PvPxp is 20 per attack on the BB no matter what the PvPxp is. Target loses 5 PvPxp per attack until reduced to 0

Prestige is no longer awarded from the BB it can only be earned from 10/100 off board PvP attacks

#894511 Upcoming Halloween LE update. Opinions.

Posted by Trailman on 14 October 2014 - 23:49

Not high enough to use them so no valid input sorry BG

#894273 FINAL SOLUTION for BOTH parties

Posted by Trailman on 14 October 2014 - 02:58

It gains me more xp from each creature kill and so more levels during events.

Prestige is really only good for gaining levels because you get no xp when attacking other players just more prestige

#894246 FINAL SOLUTION for BOTH parties

Posted by Trailman on 14 October 2014 - 00:17

BG - how about you lock all these proposed ideas for PvP and XP loss and then, when you've got a framework in place, start a new thread.


These are just going round in circles now and are in danger of disappearing up their own orifices.


Further player discussion seems moot at the moment ? ....

I agree once Hoof and BG have a better idea of how this will play out they will ether let us know or just do it. Ether way I will support them in what ever they decide to do.

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