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Member Since 20 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2014 10:26

#835968 Autostacking is not quite working right

Posted by BBR on 30 December 2013 - 08:53

In the case of having multiple bags, auto stacking any gathered items does not take the correct / expected priority of stacking.



* 2 bags

* bag 1 is full, but has incomplete stacks of item 2

* bag 2 is mostly empty

* mine an ore node, it gives item 1 and item 2.

* item 1 can not be placed in bag 1, so it is placed in bag 2.

* item 2 "could" have been placed in bag 1 to complete the stack, but is instead placed as a new stack in bag 2


I'd have expected the game to put item 1 in bag 2, and item 2 in bag 1.

#833757 Forestry Improvement

Posted by BBR on 22 December 2013 - 11:13

I'd also like to see the stack size increased for wood,, since it takes up 2 slots, it should be able to stack "at least" twice as much.

#833754 Ctrl+Click from bank stash - to inventory and back

Posted by BBR on 22 December 2013 - 11:04

Ctrl+click works when selling to a vendor, but not when moving items from your inventory to the bank or back.

This should be made to work, as the dragging resources around is rather a waste of time.

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